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The silence that followed was completely suffocating. The atmosphere was heavy and uncomfortable.

I could not read him. I did not know what thoughts currently raced through the depths of his mind. I was uncertain on what to do in that moment and that uncertainty made me anxious.

"Your Grace..." I slowly bit my bottom lip and pulled away from him, my eyes falling elsewhere, "I should get going."

"Tomorrow," The powerful man began, "Come here again tomorrow, I will ensure a meal is prepared for you."

I looked up at Cassius surprised at his words but before I could speak, he continued, "In fact no, I will have a meal prepared for you every day."

"For the last time, I cannot afford it." I flared my nostrils in annoyance and folded my arms.

"I would never expect you to pay even if you could."

I carefully watched him, not too sure about this turn of events.

"You really do confuse me..." I mumbled.

"Good to see you coming to your senses." He gave a small victorious smile.

I frowned and looked up into his eyes searching them for any hint of deceit, "How can I be sure this is not another one of your games?"

"You really do not trust me, do you?" He let out a small breathy chuckle before immediately stopping when he met my unimpressed expression, "You have my word."

I narrowed my eyes slightly before dropping my expression all together and letting out a defeated sigh, "I should head back." I looked to the door, "Thank you."

I know he did not deserve my gratitude, but I was grateful, nonetheless. I would no longer be denied food.

"Until we meet again my lady." He gently grabbed my hand drawing my attention back to him and kissed it.

The feeling caused my stomach to flutter, and I hated it, "You should be grateful I washed my hands." I muttered out trying to ignore the tingly feeling as I pulled my hand away.

He just smiled, a stupid smile that lit up his features making him even more handsome than he was. No longer able to bare it, I turned around and made my way out. I hated how I could feel the heat on the tips of my ears.

I spent the rest of the day reminding myself of why I disliked him as I frustratingly cleaned the streets. Fortunately, the image of his irritatingly gorgeous face that I had in my head fueled my rage and I was able to complete my duties much faster.

It was not long before I was making my way back up the hill to the Waisend manor. when I was near the top, I turned around. The view was spectacular. The sun was nearing the horizon causing an array of warm colours to dance across the once blue sky and reflect off the now calm ocean. A soft salty breeze carried itself up the hill. It ruffled my hair causing a few loose strands to brush over my face.

I could not help but smile at the feeling. If only Rourke were here to see this.

I missed him so much.

Hope he is doing okay and getting better.

"Fancy seeing you out here Duchess." A cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked over my shoulder glancing at the source, "Captain Vaughn was it?" I acknowledged.

"The one and only, your Grace." The man smiled as he made his way up to me before momentarily stopping and analysing my form."Pardon my rudeness but why are you... Um I mean your clothes so dirty?" He scrunched his nose.

I could not help but smile at the young captain's reaction. This man was truly blunt. It was refreshing.

"This," I inducted to myself, "is all a result of a long day's work."

Vaughn gave me a weird look, "I am surprised Duchess. Hardly any noble ladies would ever be wiling to even get the tips of their fingers near the slightest bit of dirt." His eyes glinted.

"I am as well but it could not be helped." I smiled and looked out towards the horizon again.

"Oh, I completely forgot to apologise for all the commotion on the estate this morning." Vaughn sheepishly frowned beside me.

I looked up at him, tilting my head as if to signal for him to continue. Seeing this Vaughn scratched the back of his head. His armour glinting as it caught the setting sun.

"I am sure you heard but there was a guest at the main manor last night who seemed to have disappeared right under our noses. To say the Duke was furious would be an understatement."

"So that is why I was questioned by the gaurds the morning..." I mumbled to myself before looking back at Vaughn, "Whoever it was, I do not really care. It's the Duke's business not mine." I shrugged my shoulders.

Vaughn just smiled sensing my dislike for the duke, "You know, he actually is a nice person."

"I am sure he is." I continued to look at the horizon watching the sun that was now half way down the horizon.

"He is. I can promise you that Duchess. I am quite good at reading people you know."

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised and an amused smile dancing my lips, "Shall I remind you of how we met?"

Vaughn's eyes widened as he recalled the memory before letting out a nervous laugh. "That was different!"

I just shook my head amused at his antics, "We should head back, it's getting dark."

"I will escort you," He offered, "I am on patrol after all."

"Well you are doing a wonderful jod standing here chatting to me." I teased.

"Do not tell anyone! Can't have the knights seeing their Captain slacking."

"Who would even listen to me?" I chuckled as we made our way up to the gates.

The gaurds on duty acknowledged Vaughn but ignored me as per usual. Vaughn did not seem to notice as he continued on about maintaining a proper image as the captain of the Waisend knights.

"Thank you for escorting me back safely Captain." I smiled as we reached the front entrance, "Your underlings will be most impressed by your strong sense of duty."

"Of course, anything for the dear Duchess I so graciously serve." He placed his arm on his chest and bowed, "Have a good night, Your Grace."

"And to you."

Vaughn waited until the doors shut behind me and I was completely out of sight. I smiled to myself, at least there were some nice people here.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a servant pushed right into me knocking me over. I hit the hard floor with a loud thud.

The servant just laughed and scurried off without even a second glance.

I let out a long defeated sigh and lifted myself up. The servant had used quite a bit of force and I could feel myself going numb on the side which I landed. I had a feeling that it was going to bruise.

Before I could even take another step forward, I overheard a very distinct voice nearby, "...not left her room?"

I knew immediately that it was the Duke, Cassius Waisend.

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