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"Please eat." The request was so gentle and soft that I almost wanted to oblige.

My eyes slowly pulled away from the steaming stew before me; the stew that I had not dared to even touch.

"I um..." I glanced around the empty tavern save for the incredibly nervous owner and his staff standing in line nearby. They looked as if they were holding their breaths, to terrified to let out a single peep.

Poor fellows. I do not want to be here either.

The Duke of all people had visited and requested to be served a meal. In their eyes it surely would have given them a heart attack. They were most definitely unprepared and unequipped to serve a noble of such caliber.

My eyes found the Duke again. He was waiting patiently for my response.

"It is just that I..." I could not help but anxiously bite my lip thinking of how I could respond.

How could I possibly tell him that I was too uncomfortable with the nervous glances almost burning into my head. I was being watched from all sides by everyone present including him. I was afterall the only one who had food in front of me.

"I apologise if the food is not to your liking, my lady." The corners of Cassius's lips ever so slightly dropped into a subtle frown.

"Forgive me, Your Grace." Came a startled cry from the tavern owner as he bowed low in shame.

"No. It's not like that." I panicked not liking how this was going.

Cassius starred at me for a moment, his eyes never leaving my face. It felt as if he was trying to figure me out.

I looked away uncomfortable at the intensity of his gaze and nervously shifted my legs.

I missed the smile that formed on his lips at that very moment, "May I ask for everyone to please leave us for a moment?" His eyes never left me even though his words were directed to the others.

It was not long before the shuffling of feet subsided and the doors were shut. It was now just him and I. Oddly enough, I now felt more at ease but I was still painfully aware of the Duke.

"Better?" He playfully smiled. A smile that annoyed me.

"Yes." I may not like him but it truly was better now. "Thank you." I softly mumbled.

"What was that?" He teased.

I looked up at him glaring as I roughly plunged my spoon into the stew, "I hope you know that not only are you paying for this meal, but you owe me a day's worth of wages for this."

"Whatever you say." He continued to smile.

Choosing to ignore him, I gently blew on the spoon before slowly bringing it to my mouth. My eyes shut tightly as it's contents hit my mouth.

My tongue almost melted away as the sudden influx of  flavours gently caressed it. It was the best thing that I had ever eaten in my entire life- not that I was fortunate enough to have the honour of trying food that was not bland.

I had not realised that I had allowed a soft moan to escape my lips until I heard a chuckled from the man in front of me.

"That good?" His tone was teasing, "Perhaps I should have some."

I opened my eyes unimpressed at my interruption and reached to take another bite telling myself to continue ignoring him with hopes that he would just leave as a result.

I was fortunate enough to have silence for a few moments longer but could feel his eyes all over my face. He was watching my every move like a hawk.

I was tempted to throw some of the stew at his face to get him stop but that would be a waste of good food.

"It is rude to stare." I muttered out.

"I apologise, but you fascinate me. I cannot seem to figure you out." He tilted his head slightly, "You come off as head strong and stubborn yet you carry yourself with such grace and gentleness. The way you speak to me is also vastly different to your clear mannerisms and etiquette. You are rude yet polite at the same time. It's rather... Strange."

I could not help but frown as I gently placed the spoon down and faced him, "If anyone is strange, it is you Duke Waisend." I looked him straight in the eyes, "Your actions contradict themselves all the time. One moment you pretend that I do not even exist and the next you are suddenly everywhere I go. I do not know what your intentions are but I must ask you to stop. My life is miserable enough as it is, I do not need you to meddle in it anymore."

I stood up from my seat, "I must thank you for the meal and please thank the hands that prepared it on my behalf." I momentarily looked towards the door before looking back at him, "Now if you will excuse me, I must get back to work."

I turned to leave but a sudden hand gently grabbed my wrist preventing me from doing so. Before he could even say anything, I yanked it back but I misjudged the force I used and stumbled.

There was the was a sudden loud scraping and falling of a chair as the Duke reached forward to catch me. His strong arms wrapped around my waist to steady me.

"You should be more careful." He lightly scolded as he faced me.

I may have been upset in the moment but now I was suddenly embarrassed. I could not meet his eyes as I tried to pull away.

I almost jumped right out of my skin when I suddenly felt his fingers brush over my stomach and lower rib cage through the material of my dress.

I did not have all the correct layers on that were supposed to go with the dress due to the inconvenience of my work. Again I felt embarrassed at the thought. He must be so disappointed in his Duchess  who could not even properly dress herself. Anger flashed through me at the thought.

Why did I suddenly care what he thought?

Why was I embarrassed?

Before I could even voice my thoughts, Cassius spoke, "How are you even able to stand?"

His question may have been directed at me but it felt as if he was talking more to himself. The atmosphere in the room had completely changed. It had become dark and heavy.

Not knowing what to make of this, I tried to pull away but he was not budging.

"Please let me go." I uttered out.

His eyes met mine, his eyebrows were scrunched and I could see the concern and shock grace his features. I did not know what was going on.

"Other than today, when was the last time you had a proper meal?"

I could not help but hold my breath at the intensity of those words. They were so strong and penetrating. The enforced a strength that I knew would not break until he received the an answer; until he heard the truth.

"I... I do not know." I looked away, breaking from the intensity of his gaze. I do not know why I answered when he should already know, "I have been denied food for a while now."

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