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Archibald gave me an unhappy look. "You are really something else..."

I gave him a smug smile knowing that he had no choice but to help me now.

"Mother kicked you out, did she not?" Archie asked. I could see his eyebrows narrow causing his forehead to crease in thought.

I gave a soft nod. A bitter taste filled my mouth at the memory.

"Then there is no way that I can allow you in the house while she patrols the halls with all those nosy servants." He tapped his chin, "It would be much easier to sneak you in later on when the house is asleep..."

"I do not mind waiting a few hours just as long as I can see him again." I responded.

"Where will you wait?" He stopped tapping and met my eyes.

"Right here or nearby at least."

"It's not safe for an unaccompanied lady to be waiting around late at night." He frowned but then quickly caught himself, "I mean, what if someone from the manor sees you?"

"You actually care?" I raised an eyebrow but a small smile twitched at the corners of my lips.

"No. I don't care if anything happens to you. I just can't have you running your disgusting little mouth if you can't get into the manor." He sneered.

"And he is back..." I rolled my eyes. I should have expected as much from him.

"Shut up." He scrunched his nose, "Go wait in one of the stables. The stable hand should have knocked off from work by now. I will come and fetch you later."

"Thanks Archie." I gave him a big false smile and was about to turn to leave before he grabbed my bicep.

"You owe me one Ruth." His tone was serious.

"I thought we both already agreed that I will not run my mouth if you help me." I yanked my arm away.

"Do you think sneaking you in is going to be easy?" He responded.

"If you can't do it then I'm sure someone out there would enjoy hearing about your little excursions." I indicated towards his appearance.

He was silent for a moment before his eyes suddenly glinted, "And I'm sure Rourke would love to hear about our dear little Ruthie's tainted reputation and lack of support from her own duchie."

I began to grind my teeth, "How-?"

"Because I have had to sit and listen to him for hours speaking about his wonderful sister and all the little lies that you have filled his mind with." Archibald scoffed, "I'm kind of in the mood to start correcting them now."

"You wouldn't dare." I glared.

"Watch me." He smiled, "I could however change my mind if you agree to do something for me tomorrow."

"What is it?" I frowned. I was upset as to how he managed to twist and manipulate this conversation in his favour.

"You will find out tomorrow." He gave a victorious smile that I was so tempted to smack right off his face. "Alas dear Ruthie, I have things to do now so I will see you later."

He was gone but even seconds later. I angrily ran a hand through my hair as I made my way to the stables. I just knew that whatever Archibald had in mind would not be anything good.

The hours ticked away so painfully slowly and I soon found myself battling fatigue and exhaustion. To keep myself awake, I began grooming some of the horses.

"Good grief, you smell even worse than before." I heard a voice comment from behind me causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"You did not have to startle me like that." I threw a bitter look his way.

"So moody. I came all this way to help you see Rourke and this is the response." He was leaning over the stable door.

I stopped brushing the horse in front of me and walked up to it. I gave Archie another fake smile as I undid the latch and roughly pushed it open with all might causing him to stumble backwards.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I just gave a soft laugh as I put the brushes away.

"Let's go and see Rourke." I walked passed bumping my shoulder against him.

"The things that I have to put up with." He grumbled under his breath and fell into step behind me.

The Faintree manor was tiny compared to that of the Waisend one. It was a clear indication of the difference in wealth and rank between a minor Earl and a powerful Duke. The size of the manor was advantageous to us as only a few servants were needed to run it and only one was on the night shift.

The servant on duty was easy enough to avoid and before I knew it, we were at Rourke's bedroom door.

"Can you please give us a moment?" I asked Archie, my hand already turning the door handle.

"No ways. I cannot risk you being caught and it will surely look suspicious if I'm caught lingering around the halls." Archibald folded his arms and pushed in front of me.

I was a little annoyed but I understood where he was coming from.

"Archie? Why are you here so late at night?" I heard a raspy voice croak out in the darkness.

"I brought someone to see you but you have to promise me that you will keep it down." Came the response.

I could see Rourke nod as I stepped out from behind Archibald.

His eyes widened when he caught sight of me, a happy yet surprised looked dawned his sickly features that I could see so clearly thanks to the moonlight flooding into his room from the open curtains. Rourke was sitting up in his bed and his body was positioned as if he were gazing at the moon before we entered.

I almost ran up to him and swung my arms around him. His opened as he gladly welcomed me into his warm embrace.

I almost flinched as I felt how much weight he had lost. It felt like I was holding onto bones that his skin could barely hold together.

"I have missed you." I whispered against him. A small tear leaving my eye.

"I know." He whispered back, "As have I."

I slowly and carefully pulled away from him and sat on the corner of his bed.

"I came to see you earlier but you were asleep with a high fever." I gave a gentle smile. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I placed my hand against his forehead. I could still feel traces of a temperature but it seemed as though his fever had broken.

"Much better." He gave a weak smile. "How much time do we have?" He was referring to Lady Faintree's ridiculous rules in regards for us to meet.

"As much time as you need." Archie responded from the back of room. He was leaning against the door with his arms folded and his eyes closed.

"Does he mean that?" Rourke seemed excited.

"Yes. He actually helped me sneak in." I smiled.

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