Chapter 10

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The next day three of them attended Dior fashion show. Hoseok and Yoongi were invited just like many other celebrities and they greatly enjoyed themselves. The main reason of course was one particular breathtaking model.

Jimin was gorgeous, especially on the runway. He owned it. Anyone who had seen him at least once could tell it. Confidence looked good on him. And what was even more important, Jimin loved it. Anyone could tell that Jimin loved his job.

That's why it was hard for Hoseok and Yoongi to hear about his worries that his agency wouldn't renew contract with him. It would be just too unfair. They'd really betray him if they just threw him out after all those years. Jimin didn't deserve it.

The trio sneaked out from after party as usual, but this time instead of going to someone's place, they headed to wander the city. It was already late, nearly midnight when three males decided to stroll Parisian streets.

They giggled and talked about the small things they had on mind. It was calming. They felt free. It was an odd feeling that they rarely experienced back home, but here, at that very moment, it was more than possible.

Their souls were calm in presence of each other and their minds were at peace. They wandered through endless narrow, medieval-era passageways and streets where barely anyone could have been seen at such time. All locals were long asleep while tourists found more interesting places to spend time at.

However, for three of them, nothing could have been more perfect than this calm atmosphere. Jimin sighed, taking their hands in his as they explored banks of the Seine River, which had a wonderful walking venue.

"I love this city. I don't know why but it's always healing for me to come to Paris. Everything about it captures my heart. Have you ever asked yourself: if I could live at any place and be anyone, who would I like to be and where?" Jimin asked the olders curious.

They stopped for a moment just to enjoy the view. Siene was marvelous be it at day or under moonlight. Jimin was amazed by the beauty of the city once again.

All three still wore classy designer outfits, but the warm coats which they put on, more or less, covered them and the fact that they were far from normal tourists. Black face masks helped a lot too. They just wanted to enjoy this moment privately.

"I haven't thought about it. I always wanted to be an idol and perform for people." Yoongi said, squeezing Jimin's tiny hand lightly. "I fought for my dream and achieved it. I'm grateful for what I have now."

Jimin hummed in understanding. He loved his life too. He had a dream career and fans who supported him for years, but sometimes, he felt the urge to run away. When life was too overwhelming, when his schedule was too overbooked, or when worries about the future were eating him alive like at that moment.

"I also love where I m right now, but to be honest, Yoongi's words about how my company treated him made me re-think a lot about them." Hoseok admitted. He still couldn't understand how could they do that to Yoongi. He was one of the first trainees and he deserved their appreciation and recognition. He deserved it much more than Hoseok did, actually.

"Don't be silly, Hoseok. Just forget about it." Yoongi told him. "I'm not first or last trainee who went through something like this. It just affected me so much because they really gave me word, they prepared me for it and the next day one of the managers said that they changed their mind. But I guess it happens all the time in this industry. Do you know how many dreams get shattered on a daily basis? At least I was lucky enough to debut at all."

"Yes, but that still is wrong. I believe if you promise someone something, you should always keep your word." Hoseok said gently. His heart ached for Yoongi every time he thought about what the male had to go through.

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