Chapter 14

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It was the worst day in Jimin's life. He talked to his CEO that morning after reading the article. He could accept that after 15 years of working together, the company might have decided to leave Jimin behind as terrible as it sounded. But what he couldn't believe was that his boss didn't even tell him in person. Why should have model found about it from some article?

He was so mad at his ex-boss, no words could express it. More than anything, he felt betrayed. They've worked together for half of Jimin's life. He literally knew that man since he was 15. Jimin couldn't even imagine that they were bound to end their relationship like that. It just hurt.

On the plane, Jimin was thinking about what could he do now. What other alternatives did he have? Maybe he really should have retired from modeling. But the male felt too young for that. No, he wasn't going to give up!

Jimin smiled when he remembered whose words were those. He always smiled when the thought of Hoseok or Yoongi crossed his mind. The whole past month, when Jimin felt helpless or alone, his thoughts would drift to these men and he'd instantly feel better.

The main reason why he so badly wanted to return to Seoul was that he knew those two would be waiting for him there. Even if the whole world turned back on Jimin, he was sure Hoseok and Yoongi would be by his side.

"We're landing soon, Jimin." His manager told him and occupied a seat next to the model. Yong-sun was five years older than Jimin, yet she had been there for him since the very beginning. At first, she was old manager's assistant, then she got promoted. But one way or another, she was always present as Jimin remembered.

"So how long is left before you stop being my manager?" He couldn't help but sound snarly. He was very upset with the way his agency treated him. Even if it wasn't Yong-sun's fault at all.

"Please, Jimin. You know I'm just as unhappy with this situation as you are. You're like my little brother, you think I want to see you leave?" The female sighed with a troubled expression. Jimin knew that she didn't want this as well, but it didn't really change anything or made him less petty.

"Whatever. When we land, please inform the driver to take me home. I'm too tired after my last fashion week. As everyone says it. I'm getting old, you know..." Jimin mumbled, closing his eyes and throwing his head back.

"This isn't funny. Stop, please. No one thinks that you're old and this doesn't have to be your last show! We'll figure out something."

"We?" Jimin looked at her surprised. "There is no we anymore."

"Yes, there is. I'm not leaving you, okay?"

"Did you forget for whom you're working? It's the end for me." Jimin pouted looking away, but Yong-sun took his small hands in hers, making the male glance back at her.

"I'm working for you. You are my client, my star. My loyalty lies with you."

Jimin's heart swelled at that. She looked so determined, Jimin knew that she really meant it.

"Couldn't you tell me this earlier?" He whined, hugging the female. "Are you really going to leave them for me? You won't regret it?"

"I promise, I will never regret choosing you. Whatever it is, we're in this together so stop bitching with me." She told him with a small smile.

"Alright, thank you. I really appreciate it, Yong-sun. You're the best."

"I know. Now secure the belt, we'll be landing soon."

Agency's private plane indeed landed in around half an hour and Jimin left it surrounded with bodyguards and other staff members. So far he had this privilege but seemed like it wouldn't last for long.

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