11. Down Darker Paths

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I'd known from day one Noah Farley was not a nice person.

Oh, he wasn't mean like Reilly Argaud, or hateful like this girl named Shayla whom I avoided at all costs, but he was not nice.

He caught me outside Angelic Languages on Monday morning and put a hand against the lockers so I couldn't get by him.

"I've seen you hanging out with the demon taint," he said with a frown. "You should stay away from something like that. You could lose your reputation and the few friends you've made."

"I could care less about what others think of me. I make my choices and live with them." I tilted my head to the side and tried to understand how someone could think the way he did. "And if I lose my friends because of that, then they were never really my friends."

"Like you said, it's your choice. When good people start ostracizing you, you'll have no one to blame but yourself."

"Good people? You mean, people like you?" I lifted an eyebrow, almost enjoying this display of self-righteous fervor.

"Exactly. Everyone is starting to talk, Gemma. At first, we chalked it up to you being new to this world and not understanding how things work. But you've been here long enough now, and I know Ms. Fey warned you."

"She did." I inclined my head. "And I let it go in one ear and out the other."

"Gemma, you're a First! You need to learn what that means. Look, I'm part of a group here on campus that teaches Firsts to have pride in our generational status. Come to a meeting with me tomorrow night. You'll learn a lot about yourself and others like you."

"Others like me." Okay, I officially wasn't enjoying it anymore. It was too frightening to be funny.

Do people really think this way? It's like listening to Adolf Hitler or Bellatrix LeStrange.

"You were born better than most nephilim. Dilutes don't stand a chance in the real world. They're nothing. But you? You're special. Look, come to the meeting. Our leader can explain it better than I can."

"Kerry Harker is a First, too. What would you do if I brought him along?"

"Harker permanently tainted himself. There's no coming back from that. He's worthless now."

"You just invalidated your argument, you know. You say only Firsts matter, but you won't accept him, even though he is a First. Can you even hear how hypocritical you sound?"

"He ruined his life. I'm warning you, don't ruin yours."

"Now you listen closely, Noah Farley," I narrowed my eyes at him, "so you can repeat it correctly when you spread gossip about me. I have zero tolerance for anyone who tries to corrupt my principles with his or her prejudice. I will do what I believe to be right regardless of what others think."

"Fine!" His upper lip curled in disgust. "Be that way. I was trying to help you out, but—"

"I don't need that kind of help, thank you very much."

"Don't say I didn't warn you when you're an outcast." His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. "If you live that long. Fifty bucks says the demon taint will lose it and kill you before the weekend. Maybe I'll even be there to see it."

He pivoted on his heel and found himself facing a nightmare.



I didn't kill Farley, but only because a little voice in my head reminded me about my promise to Gemma.

"If you wanted to see me lose it and kill someone, all you had to do was ask." I grinned at him and let the power light me up.

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now