41. The Way to Hurt You

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I saw Peale approaching out of the corner of my eye and moved, no thought involved beyond getting Gemma as far away as possible before a fight broke out. I left her in a place where I knew she'd be safe and shot out of the water.

I had been able to ignore Peale for the most part, satisfied as long as I knew my enemy's location. But the moron had walked over and was standing three feet away with a determined look on his face.

Without hesitation, I stepped into the kid's space and could sense terror pouring off him.

There's something else, too. Something I can almost smell

On impulse, before fury could steal my reason, I blinked my eyes on and looked him over. I didn't see anything, but there was something dark. Something hidden...

"Hey, John, come here.""

Seconds later, both Jax and John were standing next to me. John cocked his head as he stared at Peale, then coated the younger boy with purple power.

"There's an illusion here," he muttered. "Give me a sec and I'll unravel it."

As he worked, we watched Peale try to form words, his face twisting up and his whole body shaking. When he opened his mouth, a fist-sized bruise appeared out of nowhere on his left cheek.

Just that quick, I understood what was wrong.

"Looks like we found Argaud's thrall. One of them, at least."

"You're sure?" Jax asked.

"I'm sure."

"Almost finished," John said. "And done."

Hell-rot went up my nose and I had to fight not to gag.

"Oh, man, that's nasty." I wanted to spit, but knew it wouldn't do any good. "Something Diabolical for sure."

"What do we do?" Jax asked.

"First, get the others out of here," John said. "None of them have powers to help with this, and I don't want Tara in danger."

I started to agree, but Peale finally managed to choke out a few words.

"Watch your girl. Reilly's determined to use her."

His bottom lip split and blood splattered down his t-shirt. Every word became a wound that beaded up with blood.

"He won't get past me," I vowed.

"He'll find a way. When he wants something, he takes it."

A deep gash opened along Peale's forehead and spread into his black hair. Blood ran down the side of his face in a river and, when he didn't try to wipe it away, I knew why the kid had come over.

"Don't say anymore, Travis!" Gemma's shout came from over my shoulder.

"Stay back!" I twisted my head to glare at her. "I mean it. That goes for all of you. You, too, Jax. Give me some room to work. I wanna have a look at what's got him."

"Do you want me to get someone?" John backed away with a hand on Jax's arm to pull him along.

"I dunno." I lifted one shoulder. "I'm used to taking care of things on my own, but I guess we should since we're at school. Who? One of our wardens?"

"Clem," Jax suggested. "He's a warrior, he's powerful, and he probably has loads of experience, as old as he is."

"Yeah." I liked the feel of that. "Sounds good. Will you get him, John? And Jax, you watch the others. Especially you-know-who."

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