chapter 1 "black Betty"

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    I stood deep in some woods watching over a gigantic ranch with a group of men dressed in black with guns at our sides. They stared at me like I was an alien. Maybe because I was a 5'3 small woman with a rifle in hand ready to ambush a ranch for $1000. Yeah...1000... I was so desperate beyond compare. We waited around waiting for the right sign to head in. I stayed quiet behind everyone else. We suddenly hear screams from the ranch that was our que. As the men ran I followed. I quickly ran behind the barn on the property. I peeked over the wall to see my own men being trampled by horses. I gulped at the sight of men being shot already. we just got here. I noticed a young boy running with a woman through the field. They looked terrified. I knew deep down this was wrong. I had to leave. I quickly held the rifle to my chest. I bolted across the field to get back to the woods. Ad I was stunning the dirt underneath me flew up by bullets being shot at me. I quickly pulled down the ski mask so whom it concerns couldn't see my face. The shots got closer to my feet.

"HEY!! STOP RUNNING!!" A Man yells. I ran as fast as I could, as I ran I look over to see the men I came here with were beging hung by their throats. My heart was pounding. I didn't want to kill anyone anymore.the shooting got closer, I feel the pain of a bullet enter my thigh. I yelp and I limp to the ground. As I hit the ground my throat is met with a rope lasso. I was quick to panic. My fingers grasped the rope to rip it off. Too late. The man on the horse had tightened the rope so tight I couldn't breathe.

"Lloyd!! This is the last of em" the man on the horse yelled. "It's a teeny tiny one" the man laughed.

"Keep him for questioning!! Bring him back"

I squirmed as I pulled at the rope. "The more you squirm the more you'll choke!" He yelled in my face. he takes the back of the rifle and hit me in the face. I fall back holding onto my face. "Get up!!" He yells. I quickly get up. What did I get myself in to? For cash? I'm gonna die! All this time I've been trying to keep myself alive, I'm gonna die.
The man shoved me to walk. I limped to the place the man led me. I was shoved to the ground of a pen that was filled with piss and shit. A man with grey hair and a gray mustache kicks me in my already wounded face. I groan in pain as I stay faced into the ground. "What is it boy!? You realized you're fucked!!"

"We should kill him!" A naive voice shouts.

"No. We wait for rip jimmy" the man with the mustache says.

"Let's torture him a bit!!" Another voice pants as he gets off a horse.
"Ryan, I said we wait for rip!" Mustache yells. He steps on my wounded leg. I yell in pain as tears roll down my face.
"What you haven't hit puberty yet boy!?" He laughed loudly as the others did too.
I didn't reply. I was terrified. I was grabbed by the back of the neck. my face was stomped into shit mixed mud. I could feel my nose cracking as my face hit the ground. I squirmed as I couldn't breathe. I kicked my legs as I cried.

"That's enough!!" A dark voice yelled. My neck was freed. "The fuck is going on here!" I couldn't see anything. My mask was twisted around my eyes.
"We were attacked rip. This is the last fucker. We found him running away!" I was spit on by the mustaches voice. "Must be related to the men who shot John"

"Shot John!? What do you mean shot John!?"

"I found John on the side of the road. He was attacked. He's in the hospital now. 16 gunshot wounds"

"Jesus Christ!"

"Has to be related to this rip! This little fucker hasn't spoken yet!"

"Great! He will. Trust me he will" I was yanked by the rope again. "Casey's old woman is here. Take him to the woods tie him up. I'll meet you out there"


I was dragged by my legs through fields of grass. My skin was rubbed with grass burns. I was crying. I couldn't breathe with the mask on my face. I didn't want to take it off either. I was so frightened I was limp like a rag doll.
My hands were tied behind a tree. The rope was so tight I could feel my finger tips tingling from the lack of blood.

"Alright. You're gonna fuckin talk. And you're gonna fuckin talk now boy!" The dark voice yelled. "Who sent you!?"
I stayed quiet as I was shaking so bad my body couldn't control itself. "Fine" he dug his thumb in the wound hole in my leg. I screamed in pain. As I did his hand quickly pulled away.
"Lloyd!? You hear that!?"


The mask was ripped off my head along with a handful of my hair. I looked up at them terrified. I had blood all over my face. I had open wounds across my cheeks. I'm positive my nose was broken.

"Oh God" they all gasped and groaned.

"Jesus fucking Christ Lloyd!! A little girl!!?"

The man with the mustache, I'm now learning his name is Lloyd, his face went pale. "I....I had no idea"

"Jesus fucking-" the dark voiced man rubbed his face. I learned his name was rip. I watched them with bloody Tear stained streaks on my cheeks.
They looked at each other with guilt and shame...They didn't know what to say or do.

"Who sent you?" Rip asked.

"I..I..d..don't know"

"You fucking know! So tell me!"

" don't know"

"So this is how it's gonna be huh!?" He looked at Lloyd. "looks like I'm gonna have to call beth".....

No name... Yellowstone fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz