chapter 13 "wasted on you"

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We both slammed the truck door shut as we walked down the gravel driveway. "You okay pink's? You've been really weird since we left"

"Yeah...I just didn't want that motherfucker following me is all"

"He was that bad huh?"

"You have no idea" I put my hands in my back pockets as both teeter and I walked up the tip and john on horses. "Thought I told you girls!"

"With all do respect Mr Dutton but...the last time I checked you said we was one of you guys. You said I would always be welcomed here! sure I may have picked a fight last night out of drunken girl drama but...sir... I never meant any harm. You can kick me out all you want but teeter had nothin to do with it!" I pulled down teeters shirt along with Mine "now when I agreed to these terms and conditions you said that I was apart of this ranch until death did us apart! And we sure as hell ain't dead! So..I..I would really appreciate you thinking about this again!"

John looked over at rip then back at us. "I'll leave it up to rip" John nodded. Well fuck. Rip Hates me. There ain't no point in that. rip looked at teeters scar. "Where's your stuff teeter?"

"In my truck"

"Alright. Go get your shit. Take it back in the bunker then get your ass to work"

"Yes sir! Thank you! Thank you!" She quickly jogged back to the truck. I looked up at him then sighed. "I'll... Get outta your hair" I kicked the dirt as I walked back to teeters truck. She looked over at me. "What are ya doin"
"I gotta go...only you stay" I sighed
"What? No way! How's that fair"

"It's fair. You didn't do anything. I did"
"Well...I'm sorry pink...Im really sorry"
"Don't be. I'll see you around right?"
"Right" she smiled slightly as she threw her bag over her shoulder.
"Pink. Let me talk to you for a minute" rip called. I sighed keeping my head down. "Yeah?" I say softly
"You got some nerve coming back here after that scene you caused last night"
I looked away in shame. "Rip...."
"Now I ain't done talkin. you as to lay a finger on anyone! I mean anyone on this ranch I will personally take you to the train station myself, can you comprehend that?"
I looked up at him as I felt his heart become cold from far away. "...yeah.." I held my bag in my hands tightly. "Now go! Hurry up. We have heifers to catch up with"


I sat on my horse following the herd north. I stayed behind the herd away from most. I was so torn and heart broken. He took pieces of me that I couldn't get back. I gave him a big part of my heart and he stomped all over it. "pink get that heifer!! Catch up! Catch up!" Rip snapped. I quickly wrangled up the drifting calf. I followed it until the poor thing was spooked by a snake in the bushes. As the calf kicked and yelled it spooked my horse. I held onto the reigns as my horse leaped into the air. "Woah! Woah!" I yelled to the horse. The horse began bucking and squealing.
"Control your shit pink!"
"Shut up rip! Im trying!" I yelled as I struggled. "Try harder!" He yelled back. I regained my control. I trotted my horse around to calm him down. I continued to wrangle the lost straggler. "Talk to me like that again you're gonna learn real soon who the real boss is here pink. I'm letting you know that right now" rip angrily demanded. I ignored him as I regained my jurisdiction. "You hear me!?" I glared at rip "yeah! I heard you!"
"You think I'm kidding little lady!?"
Everyone looks over at us as he yells. "I ain't fuckin around!"
"Rip relax! I didn't even do anything"

"That's your fuckin issue! You don't do nothin! You ain't no good!"

"Alright rip lay off a bit. She's just doin her job" Lloyd trots over in-between us. "Mind your business Lloyd because I'm doin my job too!" Rip got down off his horse pointing to the ground. I followed his lead getting off the horse. He shoved me to the ground. "You see that beside you!?" He shoved my head into the ground. "See That cow shit!? That's you pink!! See that fucking bull back there!? That's me! You ain't shit compared me! So quit acting so high and fucking mighty!!" I shoved his hand off me as I stood up  "fuck you!" I shove him hard "you don't do that to me!! I'm a fuckin person you piece of shit!!" I was so mad. I didn't deserve to be treated the way I was being treated. He grabbed me and shoved me back onto the ground. "Looks at you! YOU. ARE. THE. SHIT. PINK! I AM THE BULL!!" He scoffs at me as he got back up on his horse. Rip  moves to the front of the herd. "you okay sugar?" Lloyd patted my knee as I sat back down in the horse wiping the mud off my elbows "Just dandy" i replied.


It was 1am maybe. I brushed my horse in the isle of the barn. It was calm. I stood with both barn doors open feeling the cool breeze run through. I combed the horses mane as the horse munched on his feed. "what are you doin up? It's past your curfew you know that!" I turned around looking at rip. He was angry again. "since when was there a curfew on a Friday night?" I questioned. Rip began to push my horse back in the pen. "You see I'm in the middle of something rip! Mind your business! I ain't bothin nobody!" Rip shoved me into the wall. I watched him fearfully. "what did I say pink!?"
"What is your fucking problem with me rip! It was a fight! Get over it!"
Rip turned his head chuckling in aggravation. "I mean really rip! used me and...and lied to me you.. you're straight up bullying me! Makin me look a fool -"

"Hold on hold on I did not lie to you!"

"Yes you did! told me you wanted me! But the moment that slut comes around you drop to your knees like some abused puppy!! Now how am I the issue rip! Tell me! What is up your ass!?"

"You! Pink! It's you!" He pulled me in by the collar of my shirt and kissed me deeply. He moved his hands and held my face he kissed me sloppy and sexy. I placed my open hand on his chest pushing him off slightly. I smacked him. "Fuck!" I yelled as I turned my head looking away from him. I scoffed at his behavior. "You..bully me...and..and..push me around...and insult me! And do this to me? you can just use me for your own desire tomorrow morning you can hurt me again and again and again? Not this time bud! Not this time!"  I began to cry.


"I don't want to play your games anymore rip. You're just like everyone else. You're showing me your real you and...and I just can't take it anymore. I'm done with you rip. I don't want you"

"You know I gotta be hard on you Infront of everyone else!"

"Rip you keep hurtin me!! That...that ain't nice!" I slammed the door to the barn walking back into the bunker. "Hey jinx!" The boys called. "Just in time! Wanna drink"

"I think I'll pass tonight boys" I walked straight to the bathroom. "What's a matter?" teeter asked following me in. "Fucking bullshit. Life is bullshit!" teeter giggled "well no shit baby. What else is new?" I sat on the sink putting my hands on my face groaning "I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up!" Teeter leaned on the wall watching me. "what is it pink's you can tell me"

"Im fuckin late" I sighed. Teeter rushed over. "What? You're late? How late is late?" She placed her hands on my wrists gently moving them from my face. "a month and half" my voice cracked as I wiped my sniffling nose. "Oh my god pink. What are you gonna do?"
"I...I don't have a fuckin clue teeter, do I leave? Do I stay? Do I...I like...get rid of it?"

" is the father?" I covered my face again groaning loudly. "Ughhh!!!" I sobbed. She watched with sympathy and confusion. "Fuckin rip" I cried in my palms. I was too afraid to look up. "Pink!" She gasped. "Pink jinx! You gotta be fuckin me!"
I looked up with tearful eyes. "I fucked up so bad!" Teeter nodded "real fuckin bad! I... I don't even know what to do!"
I held my knees to my chest hiding my face in my knees. "I ain't gonna tell him"
"That isn't right pink! That ain't right! You gotta tell the father"
"He hates me..I..I don't like him.. I hate him. He ain't the man I was messing around with a month ago"
"Well...I..I can help you. Aunt teeter here I come" she giggled. I laughed sadly "I...I just gotta think bout this for awhile. Cover for me tomorrow. Tell rip I'm real sick okay?" "Alright honey. Deal"
"I'm gonna go get some air...I ...I feel Ike im drowning" teeter followed me out of the bathroom rubbing my back "I don't blame you. Just don't stay up too long"

I sat outside in the field for hours. I had a lot on my mind. Alot to think about. I don't want to think I'm knocked up. I don't. I don't even wanna think about the father. I wish I could just melt away from existence. I was watching the Duttons property when suddenly my mouth was. Covered and my eyes were blinded. my hands were tied around my back. I screamed in muffles as I grapple against the forceful figures. I kicked my feet with a lot of power. I could hear deep dark voices speaking to each other. "Come on let's go let's go!" They scuffled. I felt my body slam against the bottom of a car. I hear two doors slam, then the sound of screeching tires. I knew this was the end....

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