chapter 14 "I'd love to change the world"

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My head was pounding. I must've passed out. I still couldn't see, better yet I couldn't fuckin move. I stayed. Quiet to listen to my surroundings. I couldn't hear anything but a faint sob. It felt like someone else was in the same situation as me. "Who's there?" I say. The sob gasped.  Their reaction was terrified and trebling. They were too scared to answer me. I rubbed my face against my shoulder moving up the blindfold. I looked around with my one eye. First thing I noticed was an insane about of blood on my skin, I had an open wound somewhere. I looked around seeing I was in an old abandoned barn, with nothing but rat shit and hay everywhere. My arms where tied to a steal pole while my ankles were tied together. There was no one in the barn other than the trebling sob across from me. It was a small little boy. I couldn't quit see his face since my eye was black and swollen. "Ssspt! Hey.....what's your name?" I called. The voice was too scared to speak. I watched his movements. His legs were not tied up like mine. He had on cowboy boots that were familiar to me. Then I realized. "Tate? Tate baby is that you?" The small boy perked up. "pink?" He cried. "Pink! Is that you!!" I instantly felt sick. What sick shit was going on. " do you know where we...we are"

"! took me when..I..I was feeding the horses-" He curled up and coward as multiple men walked in the room. "There he is. He's all yours" a familiar voice said. My eyes were dazed by the open barn door that held a bright pair of headlights that caused me to go blind. "No!! No!!" Screamed Tate. "stop it!!" He screamed louder. "leave him alone!!!" I yelled "I'm gonna fucking kill you!!" I shouted yanking against the ropes as it cuts off my circulation. "Shut up!!" One of the manifestations shouted as they wacked me across the skull with a weapon. I hunched over in excruciating pain. I listened to Tates cries as his cried furthered and furthered from me. "Tate!" I cried "Tate!!! Just stay strong baby!! Just...please!" I screamed. I struggled some more. The only thing left for me was to hear his screams, then a quick door slam then a vehicle driving off. Only one car was left with it's headlights shining through the old wooden paneling of said barn. I watched as the shoes of a man approached me. The man squatted down. "I'm truly hear broken Sarah honey. I am. I really am. You leave me for what? I treated you good. I never left you unsatisfied. I fucked you, I fed you i-"

"You beat me!?" I screamed. "You raped me every giving night! You fuckin left me to starve while I was 5 months pregnant with your fucking child!! You beat that child dead! ruined my fucking life you son of a bitch!! You ruined my fuckin-" he beat me. He beat me senseless. I couldn't see what he was using but it was somthin steel. I curled down wards hunched over to protect my my two bodies. He beat me until his ego was no longer bothered. I was so numb and weak I couldn't hold myself up anymore. My blood pooled into my shirt and jeans. He roughly grabbed my face. "You were my everything! I gave you everything! You're an ungrateful piece of shit!" He spit in my face after the blindfold fell off completely. I could hardly comprehend anything he was saying. My mind was so wounded and boggled. He stood up as cars pulled up outside. He went to confront his people. I curled up in a ball sobbing into the wet dirt ground. I couldn't hold myself up any longer. I was nearly dead just filled with fatigue.

~~~ (bunkhouse point of view)

Teeter paced the floor. She glanced out the door every now and then. She was impatient and jittery.
"Teeter you good?" Colby asked as he tossed cards back and forth into a pile. "Say, have you guys seen pink? She didn't come home last night"  the men shook their heads. "Don't worry about it. She probably passed out at the bar or went home with some drunk" jimmy chuckled. Teeter shook her head anxiously. Lloyd took noticed in her eagerness. "She wouldn't do that... she wouldn't"
"No yeah she would teeter, it's what you two know best, getting drunk and passing out somewhere"

"No Ryan. She wouldn't do that by herself...and..and she wouldn't go drinking right now" she paced a hole into the ground. "Whys that?" Colby questioned as they all move their focus towards her as teeters voice cracks in sadness "because..." She looked around to make sure rip wasn't in the room. "Because she's pregnant" she whispered. The boys eyes widened as they look at each other. Lloyd stood up as he was even more concerned than before. "Who's is it?" Jimmy asked "that aint the issue right now jimmy! Listen..
We.. we went to a dinner a couple days ago, we sat down. We...we were being stared down by some old guy, when pink noticed the guy her face went a ghost. She looked like she was ready to herl! The man was calling her, Sarah. Called her his wife!? He put his hands on her. Once he left she was so shaken up. She didn't want to leave the diner alone. Once we came back here she was so worried about being followed. She was so paranoid. I think something bad happened" the boys stood staring with solicitude. "Well..have..have you told rip? Or Mr Dutton?" She shook her head "no..I was giving her some time. Now I'm concerned". The attention shifted to the door as rip came in with John. "Casey's little boy is missing. I want all of you on a horse immediately searching the entire property!" Rip stood confidently and emotionless. "Rip. We have another problem too" Lloyd walks over to john and rip as everyone else scuffled to get their things. "Tate ain't the only one missing"

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