chapter 12 "fancy"

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We cackled Loud and hollard proudly as we got out of the trucks back home.  I hug onto teeter as we were both plastered. "If only you saw the look on that woman's face when Colby went into that damn bathroom!!" She wheezed in laugher. I held onto her for support although at the same time she held on me for support. We both ended up on the ground. "I'm gonna fuckin piss my fuckin pants!" I laughed smacking her thigh. "the world is fuckin spinnin! I'm gonna puke!" She laughed even louder. We both laid on the gravel in defeat as the rain started to pour. "Alright girls. Come on" Colby says as he tosses teeter over his shoulder "oh I love you baby I really do! Even if you don't wash your butthole" she says as she lays over his shoulder staring at his ass. "Allrighht" Colby chuckled as he continued  smacking her ass walking back to the bunkhouse. "Come on" Ryan says as he picks me up the same way. "you wash your asshole Ryan?"
"I ain't never feeding these two tequila again!!" He says as he kicks open the door. "hey I'm just having a fun fuckin time" I giggle as teeter and I get tossed onto the couch. "You two made the bar shut down" Lloyd says as he plops his keys down on the table. I sat up on my knees facing the back of the couch to look at them. "Everyone loves that song! Not my fault the owner of the bar didn't!" I giggled.
"HONKY TONK BADONK KADONK!!" teeter and I both scream at the same time. We both fall backwards off the couch as we slap into each other cackling with delight. The boys shook their heads in disappointment with smirks on their faces. "Hey! Turn on some fuckin music mother fuckers!" Teeter crawled her way to the radio blasting it. "fuuck! I love this song!!" She says as she dances to herself when she stood up. "Ugh I love this song too!" I climbed back up on the couch looking up at rip who stood leaning his hands on the back of the couch. "Are you good?" He chuckled. "I'm fuckin great!" I laughed running my hands up his shirt swaying to the song. He watched me in amusement. "Mmm somethin bout Conway twitty that drives me nuts!" I laugh putting my head under this shirt. "Alright pink cut it out" he rolled his eyes. I sang a long to the song kissing his skin under his shirt. "Pink" he says pulling my head out from underneath. "Hm?" I held his hands as I stood up. I walked around the couch to dance with him some more. "Y'all hungry?" Colby calls. "Fuckin starvin!!!" Teeter growled.  The thunder exploded outside the house. I looked up at rip. "When the time roof gets to talkin it's the best love we made!!" I quoted. "Corn makes whiskey! Whiskey makes...whatever the fuck comes next" teeter says with a mouth full. I walked over to my bed kicking off my shoes. Rip watched as he sat down at the table. "Hey!" Beth shouts as she enters the room. I look over at her as did everyone else. "You okay?" I questioned. "Am I okay bitch!?" She walks over to me ripping open my shirt revealing my bra and bite marks. "Wwwoahh!" The boys hollard. I held my arms around my chest I shoved her "the fuck is your problem!" I yell. "You're fucking my man! That's my fucking problem!"

"I ain't fuckin nobody bitch!"

"You wanna fuckin go!? We can fuckin go!"

"You've been talking allllllll this shit since I fuckin got here! Seems like you got somethin to say bitch! Let's fuckin go!" She shoved me back as I shoved her back harder. I smelled the liquor on her breath as I'm sure she can smell it on mine. We ended up tussling outside. She threw a punch missing. I shoved her back into the gravel. She stood up as she hits me once. I grabbed her by her shirt punching her in the jaw. The blood ran quickly down her lip. We fought back and forth. She knocked me to the ground but I still got back up. We rolled around throwing punches and clawing skin. At some point I was ontop of her. I held her by her shirt again punching her repeatedly. "Are you fucking done beth!? Are you fucking done!?" I spit as the rain poured down like a waterfall. We both stood soaked and bloody. My wet hair dangled in my face as I held my fist back ready to punch again. She looked up at me with defeat in her eyes. "Fuck you whore bag!" She tried to start up again. But we were quickly broken apart. "Get your fuckin hands off me!" I yell as I shove the controlling arms away from me. "fuck you!" Beth spits blood at me. "ENOUGH!!"
I looked over at John watching in disappointment "oh fuck" I mumbled as i wiped the blood off my face on my wet Tshirt. "I'm tired of this shit!" John yells. "I suggest the girls pack their shit. No more woman in the bunkhouse"

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