chapter 11 "baby's got her blue jeans on"

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A couple days have past. Both rip and Beth are recovering. Beth had been refusing to see rip. I think what he said may have been too strong for her. If that makes sense. I know if he told me he loved me I'd be a little freaked out, but then again...would I have been?

"Why can't you do this yourself?" I say as a sew up Lloyd jeans. "My arthritis is kicking my ass lately" he says as he sips a glass of whiskey. "Anything the doc can do about it?" I say as I am am laying upon the couch with my legs draped over Lloyds lap. "Eh, they can put shots in my joints but, fuck that"

"Awe, you scared of needles old man?"

"Hell yeah I am! Giant pieces of sharp metal in my hands. Fuck, that" he snickered into his glass. I glanced over my shoulder at Ryan and Jimmy rough housing. "If you two break something you're buying it!!" Lloyd shouts. I looked back down at the jeans. "How rip doing sugar?"

"Eh, he's alright, moving around if that's what you mean. He's still on them hydros ya know? He's been moving a lot lately. It's healing up nicely"

"That's good. Any word on beth?"

"Still Hates me. Acting like nothing is bothering her when I know deep down it's hurting her" 

"Hey jinks! You coming out dancing tonight!?" Ryan asked leaning over the couch. "With what date?" I laughed down at the jeans.
"Can't find a date pretty girl? I'll be your date" he smiled. "What's the catch? You need a blow job?"

"I mean yes but no. Just fun. You don't need a date to dance"

"Mmm no maybe next time"

"Fine be a loser!" Ryan says as he clicks on a football game on the TV. I handed Lloyd the jeans as I stood up. "All done"
"Why thank you sugar" he smiled kissing my head. "If you'll excuse me I need fucking air" I walk outside lighting a cigarette as I step into the warm yet cold mountain breeze. I glance over at beth sitting on the fence staring at a horse. I walked over. "Don't jump. You have so much to live for" i smirked. She smiled slightly. "How do you do it?" She asked. "Do what?" I climbed on the fence then sat next to her. "How do you get up every morning and feel nothing?"

"What makes you think I feel nothing?" I handed her my already lit cigarette. "You don't look like you feel something"

"Can I be honest with you?" Beth nods "please do" she says as she exhaled. "I've been abused since the moment I was born. Although I was scared and hurt I still woke up to think hey, what could make it worse?  there is a lot that could have made it worse, for example,.. beth...those men could've raped you, but they didn't. Those men could've killed you, but they didn't. Those men could still be alive mocking your name to this very moment, But they aren't" beth stared at the horse taking in a deep breath of air. "I'm sorry baby... I really am"

"Don't I said. It could be worse"
She huffed as she slipped off the fence. "I'm gonna go find myself a fuckin drink." She pondered for a moment then traveled back to her house without a glance at rip whom was speaking with John. I put my hands in my back pockets as I stood up watching rip as he broke apart from mr Dutton. Rip walked past me to the bunk house doors. "Hi to you too I guess" rip looked over at me and shook his head. "what did I do?"
"Don't make it obvious pink" he said quietly as he swatted his hand. I furrowed my brows. "The hells that mean?"

"I don't need the whole world knowing we fuck okay?" I frowned at his words. "Just...fuck?" I questioned. "You know what I mean pink" i shook my head. "Are you ashamed of me rip?"
"No!! Pink, we gotta be professional!" I scoffed. "So this is how this is gonna work? This is how this is gonna go?" Rip groaned in aggravation. "Now's not the time pink. Alright?"
"Fine. Just...fine"  I walked past him into the house allowing the door to shut on rip. "Heard you ain't coming pink poo! Why not?" Teeter pouted. "I think I've changed my mind teets! I'll go. I could use a few drinks"
"That's the spirit!"

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