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The Training Room was similar in design to the one at the Rest House, minus the cone shaped ceiling. The room had a domed ceiling instead and oddly shaped wood beams stuck out of it at different lengths and angles. The room was wider and longer, pillars everywhere, some broken and in pieces across the ground.

At the very center of the room stood a single, black, metal chair with a small pile of books stacked on top of it. I Veehmed one into my hand and read the title aloud. "A FengDohrn and His Prey. What section were these in?"

"The same one you've been camped out in the last few days." He flicked his hand and the books flew into the air, across the room and out the door. "Nothing of use, though. Until Asis returns, we may have to pursue outside sources for any real information about our—"

"Complication?" I supplied.

He snorted. "Yes."

"Where is Asis? I thought he would've come back with all of us."

"Parts of the Library were damaged during the siege. He is staying to oversee the repairs."

"Is he the only Librarian?"

"Of course not. But everyone else is off on holiday. A few should be returning tomorrow."

I paused. "Then why wouldn't we just ask one of them for help with this?"

"Because we won't be able to trust any of them until you have fully proved yourself as a Guardian."

"Again with this," I breathed, unable to tamp down my exasperation.

Tritteon chuckled. "It might encourage you to know the panic rooms were set up with screens so everyone inside could keep an eye on the situation. Every staff member and Royal saw what you did."

I rubbed my fingers over my bottom lip. "They saw Rilyin abducted."

He nodded. "But they also saw all of us return with him."

"I wasn't exactly conscious for that."

"Neither was I. But Rilyin told them you saved all of us. So, no glory lost."

I rolled my eyes, done with the subject. "You mentioned outside sources. What kind?" I asked, feeling fairly confident I'd kept my nerves out of the words.

"I thought it might benefit us to speak with a few FengDohrn from the Glascove University."

"We want to tell more people about our predicament?"

"No. The Glascove University is where they send FengDohrn who do not arrive close enough to Gem status."

"What is—?"

"A temperament perfect enough to be noticed by a sponsor of high social standing."

I shook my head. "There he goes again, describing his species the same way one would an animal."

"You are getting off subject," he deflected. "There are several FengDohrn from Glascove who have, despite everything, managed to achieve Gem status a few years after their first initial tests."

"I take it this isn't easy to get."

Tritteon chuckled. "Orion, you would probably fail."

I waved a hand dismissively. "My temperament is perfect."

"You are emotional, stubborn, sentimental, and rebellious. That is one too many things going against you."

I punched him in the shoulder.

He laughed and stepped out of range. "Add easily provoked."

"Yes, well, being a robot is boring."

Tritteon checked the time.

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