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It took both of us almost twenty seconds to break the shield we had sealed the conference doors with. It was an impressive thing of beauty.

We stepped into the courtroom, the atmosphere charged, every person standing, many shouting. All asking the same questions.

How could the assassin and his driver know about the Rest House Siege? About Daniel in their custody?

A few went as far as to point at Orion and yell that her very existence was a threat to everyone.

I didn't need to hear Orion's thoughts to feel her agreement with them. After everything Green had said, of course she believed it too.

The news had ruined everything. I'd feared it would the moment I'd heard it in the driver's mind. But I'd been required to ask the question. There had been no way around it. But because of it, what Orion had done to apprehend them, had meant almost nothing. Sure, it proved she was Guardian capable. But if news had really gotten out, if another Vek caught wind of our capture of Daniel, if they came snooping to find out why...

The Kovei surrounding Rilyin parted for us, and he smiled as we approached, pride radiating off him. It wasn't until he'd reassured himself we were both fine that he decided to join the Five in their failing attempts to reassure the gathered Council. Though, how he could be so calm after everything we'd learned, I wasn't sure.

"Silence!" he commanded.

The room quieted instantly, many lowering slowly back into their seats, watching the emperor with narrowed eyes daring him to try to convince them everything was fine.

Orion leaned over and whispered something in his ear, a Veehm shielding her words from eavesdroppers.

He nodded. "First things first. Regarding her appearance, Aveeve is not a natural red head. The color was done only for the express purpose of drawing out the traitor. She will no longer have it after today."

Several people relaxed at this.

"Secondly, until a news outlet reports what that man professed to know, we will continue to say nothing. I've already made it clear I will reveal everything during the conference in a couple of days. If we absolutely must speak up sooner, we will. But until that time, we will calm ourselves. At no point have we gone outside the prescribed demands and guidelines."

Holt cleared his throat and stood. "If I may?"

Rilyin motioned toward the Council with a nod.

Holt bowed and turned to face them, entwining his fingers behind his back. "Daniel Onra broke the rules when he used his Poeir to influence many of Ambassador Barris Vonlinn's and Ambassador Ezlinn Vasprey's decisions. It is still unknown how many others he may have also manipulated. We had every right to set that trap and take him into custody. We did everything by the book, and, once again, Enesis came through with the perfect defense. We feel deeply for the families of all those who were caught in the crosshairs and each one will be honored during the Conference." He turned back toward the dais and his eyes slid over Orion and I. "Before we close this meeting, I would like to touch on the subject of what just took place." He pointed to the large screen on the wall behind us. "What we just witnessed." He looked at Rilyin. "Your Highness. May we question your Guardians concerning the matter?"

Rilyin didn't reveal a hint of the annoyance he felt at the request. He'd wanted to end the meeting there and leave. "Go ahead."

"Miss Aveeve?" Holt said.

Orion stepped forward.

I felt only shame as Orion and I explained the entire scenario. She had been magnificent, a true force to be reckoned with. And I had almost gotten her killed.

But the longer we spoke, the more receptive many became.

As Orion explained her side, tweaking it so the hostage situation had been the plan all along, my mind wandered back to that moment in the lift when she had wanted to comfort me. Despite our many mistakes, despite the horror that had wracked her body when she'd learned what our Bond really was, and her ultimatum after learning about the Duels, she had willingly returned my embrace, had sincerely forgiven me.

But I feared everything Green had said had only solidified her decision to leave.

When we finished, Rilyin brought the interrupted hearing to an official close for the day, expertly turning a deaf ear to the angry protests that resulted. Pharro closed the doors behind us with a wave of his hand and a smug smile.

But relief wasn't an emotion we were allowed to feel just yet. There was still one final thing that had to be done before we could leave. And I did not want to think about how much more Orion would pull away when I told her what we were really going to see Daniel for.


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