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A warm glow had already begun to illuminate the windows of my suite by the time I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in the soft, fluffy robe Colette had left me, Asoiri dripping off the ends of my hair.

I plopped myself across the bed, my intent to pass out until Colette arrived. But I couldn't close my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to try. I really wanted to restart the day off on a good note. That wouldn't happen if I fell asleep. I hadn't yet been able to dream about anything but the two horrible memories. And since I had actual responsibilities today, starting it off more emotionally wrecked than I already was sounded idiotic.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long.

Faber Colette didn't bother with knocking. She swept into the room in four-inch heels, black leather pants, and a billowy white blouse. Her black hair was silky and straight and cut short, just below her jaw line, and a gold circlet had been interlaced throughout her hair, the teardrop shaped tip falling just between her eyes. All seven feet of her came to a halt beside my bed, her knuckles digging into her hips.

"Is this how I'm always going to find you?" she snapped. "Laying on a bed waiting like some pampered princess?"

I stifled a yawn. "Nice to see you too, Colette."

She looked me over with a narrowed eye and a smirk. "You and that pretty boy are a mess. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

I lifted a few strands of red and curled them around my finger. "Come on. It's not that bad."

"Oh, but it really is." She jerked her head toward the door. "What are you still lying down for?"

I pushed myself onto my elbows. "Laziness."

"Admitting it doesn't make you more endearing." She kicked the bed with her heel. "Move it."

I sat up. "Where are we going?"

"Neutral territory. Apparently the two of you aren't getting along. So, I've decided we will avoid either of your rooms. Everything is all set up. I'm sure Colleena won't mind. She won't be returning for two more days anyway."

"Both of us?"

"Stop wasting my time, girl. Get moving."

I slid reluctantly to the floor, heaviness settling back into my chest, and hurried to catch up with her long, rapid strides.

Colleena's suite was similar in design to my own. The walls were white, with thick, gold designs, murals, paintings, and tapestries. The overall furnishing color seemed to be varying shades of lavender and a small, yellow bird appeared to have free reign of the highest points of each room. It flitted this way and that, swooping through doorways occasionally and chirping loudly each time it landed somewhere.

"That is Kernel," an unwelcome voice said from a chair in the sitting room, his jacket and shirt gone, godlike muscles on full display, his hair wet and slicked back, the ends beginning to curl as they dried.

I'd only seen him shirtless twice. But both times I'd been bleary eyed, the first time waking up after dying. I'd recognized briefly that he was naked, and he'd pulled his clothes back on before my eye's had adjusted enough to notice anything else. The second time I'd nearly cooked myself in the rain trying to save Tritteon after he'd been shot, and I hadn't been able to see anything clearly for a while.

But those were scars across his firm stomach, swirling up between and across his left peck, and up his left side toward his pit before veering off behind him. No. Not scars. Burns. Burns etched into perfect designs.

He ran his fingers over the swirls. "Like it? My mother gave them to me."

I cringed.

He chuckled, low and dark. "Had to mark me as her favorite somehow." He turned his attention back to the yellow bird, changing the subject. "Poor thing may have a heart attack because of my presence."

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