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Tritteon led the way back through the painting. We stepped out into a wide, brightly lit hallway of marble I recalled from my last three days of exploring, where a large set of gold doors stood closed, what sounded like a crowd buzzing behind it, four Kovei in copper armor on either side.

"We're only twenty minutes late," Rilyin said, expertly fashioning a neutral smile to his face, the newly redone gold line down his forehead glinting ominously from the overhead chandelier as he smoothed his sleeves.

I steadied myself with a few slow breaths, forcefully shoving the events of the last forty minutes to the side. I knew what I was supposed to do at this point. Lexicon had filled me in.

If I could just focus.

I lowered my gaze and pulled out my com. I tapped out the code Tritteon had assigned to me and raised it to my mouth. "Online. Begin check-in now." Codes immediately began vibrating into my palm and Lexicon supplied a name, face, and location to each one. When I saw that it was correct, I sent a confirmation signal back in response.

Tritteon and I positioned ourselves, a foot of space between us, behind Pharro who stood just behind Rilyin's right shoulder, and Rilyin nodded to the Kovei. With a heavy groan, the doors swung wide and the room beyond fell instantly silent. Every person bowed low, eyes to the ground, giving me a moment to really take it all in while Lexicon kept track of the vibrated signals for me.

A throng of people gathered on either side of a wide, dark blue carpet that ran the length of the expansive room, ending at a massive gold arch and a marble dais with seven, fancy, gold thrones, the middle of which was the largest and most intricately designed. A different, flag-like tapestry hung above each throne, but the middle was the only one I recognized, the details of which were miniaturized on my badge. The overall background was a deep blue and the giant, white hawk spread the expanse of its wings across it, clutching a silver sword in its left talons and a gold heart in its right. A rippling, silver circle underlaid the bird with the words SeTeth De Vek Elop inscribed over and over all the way around it.

"What does that mean?" I asked Lexicon.

"Heart and sword shall join with mind," Lexicon said.

"What does it mean?" I repeated.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"How could you know what the words say, but not know what they mean?"

"It must be another thing Desraeon did not think was important for you to know."

I stopped myself from muttering curses under my breath and forced my face blank, grateful the room full of downcast eyes gave me a moment to regroup and refocus on the impressive surroundings. I felt Tritteon's concern, but he didn't look my way.

Apart from the decorations, everything was either white or gold. The ceiling towered above us, gold-plated panels swirling across it. So far, it was the only place I had seen without a chandelier.

The air hummed with a familiar energy. It radiated from every corner of the room. Oria Magic. I recognized it from both the Rest House holding cells and from using it to heal Rilyin a few days ago where I'd almost killed myself in the process. The protections here were unequaled.

A girl with soft, sandy blond curls and a silvery-gray dress peeked up amid the crowd of bowed heads. She smiled and waved subtly in Pharro's direction.

Pharro's eyes darted toward her, and for a moment, I was sure he would scowl. Instead, his sharp eyes softened, and he gave her an uncharacteristically warm smile.

"Who is she?" I asked Lexicon.

An image of the girl flashed across my mind. "Alleoria Gonreem. Pharro Gonreem's daughter."

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