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From the moment I sat next to her, Orion hadn't moved, and her gaze avoided any direction that might put me in her line of sight. Her unease seemed to seep through her into me, and I had a feeling it had everything to do with our proximity. She was afraid of losing it front of everyone.

I couldn't deny that her fears were sound. But I had been testing the boundaries all night and her actions during the party had solidified my conclusion—

As long as something was between our skin, there was a slight ache and nothing more. And I still wasn't convinced the ache was entirely the fault of our bond.

What Orion had done though. I still couldn't believe it. Sure, her Nourr could've overwhelmed her enough she might have been unable to resist healing me of the deep hole Cozmin had left in my shoulder. But Nourr wouldn't have made her physically comfort me, push her own strength into me and calm me. Gauwin's words about Seth, that reminder of what I'd done to him, had hit hard, and I'd only been able to recover myself because of Orion.

I took the drink Afnon passed me, and Orion stiffened as my elbow knocked hers. Gauwin noticed, scooted over a bit, and pulled Orion with her a few inches, smirking at me.

I probably shouldn't have sat next to her. She was supposed to be having a good time. I needed her to have a good time. But I was feeling just as protective of her as Gauwin, who kept a wrist loosely wrapped around her elbow.

I couldn't believe Carson had tried to haze her in front of me. Even Cozmin, who seemed to despise the very air Orion breathed, wasn't so reckless as to make a move in public.

Our destination came into our drivers view. I peeked through the covered window to see the Arena, gleaming and black, lights dotted evenly across the top like a dark crown. The thrill that shivered through me was so potent Orion finally looked at me, her eyes wide.

"Where are we?" she asked.

I could see myself grinning in everyone's heads.

Gauwin looked around. "We're here?"

Everyone clamored around for a glimpse.

"Looks ominous. What is it?" Orion asked.

I watched her reactions closely. "The Arena."

Her eyes narrowed. "What kind of Arena?"

"The Arena," Aeryn answered. "Where every world famous FengDohrn comes to duel."

I felt her apprehension, but she was careful to keep it off her face.


Carson twisted in his seat. "Where the hell are you from?"

I felt her cringe. She hadn't meant to make her ignorance so well known.

But she didn't miss a beat. "Apart from training, I've never fought for fun. I suppose I don't see the appeal."

Gauwin grinned. "Don't worry, Aveeve. We'll fix that."

The driver took the north road beneath the Arena to one of the private VIP entrances. The second the vehicle stopped, everyone near the door burst to their feet.

"Everyone out!" Aeryn shouted.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," Gauwin said, amused, as Orion hesitated.

Orion rolled her eyes. "I'm fine." But her unease only intensified, and I couldn't pinpoint why. "Why would I be nervous?"

Gauwin pulled her to her feet. "It's what we're all wondering, love." She looked passed her to me and kicked me in the shin. "Just cause it's your birthday, Nazonna, doesn't mean you get to loiter there in our way. Move it."

The Bond and Other Curses || Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now