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The moment Orion sat down, Cozmin was in my face.

"A Weaponized, Tritteon? How the hell could you even think bringing her—"

I raised a Thet covered finger in front of her, concentrating it enough that it glowed white. "Hallway. Now."

Her eyes remained black, but she turned and stalked out. I followed close behind, avoiding Carson's and Afnon's questioning gazes.

I Veehmed the door shut and threw a shield around us.

She stood there for a long moment, her scowl baring into me, that familiar hostility a mask for something far more disturbing. I'd known her my entire life, and though my Vek gave me access to her reasoning, I wouldn't have needed it to know something was very wrong.

She opened her mouth to start again on her tirade, but I interrupted her.

"This is not just about Daniel, Lynn—"

"You brought a Weaponized here days after Daniel's betrayal," she snarled, sticking me in the shoulder with a clawed pointer finger. "Of course it is not just about that piece of—"

I ground my teeth against the pain, but didn't try to remove it. "I know you loved him. This entire situation has been harder on you than anyone else. But that is not why you grew angrier when she asked you what you had against humans."

The shield surrounding us blocked out all interferences and I only had to sniff once to catch that scent I'd noticed in the other room, the one that was not hers, nor anyone else I recognized. The one scent that should've been there was gone.

"Lynn, what am I smelling?" I asked quietly, gently extracting her claw from my shoulder.

She looked down and the floodgates to her mind opened fully and I had to force my expression into neutrality.

"Would have thought someone in your position would have heard," she mumbled, still not looking at me.

"The Palace has been on lockdown. We have heard very little."

She moved her head side to side, digging her claws into the hips of her impenetrable leathers, taking careful breaths, refusing to allow herself to get emotional. "Not exactly sure why you, of all people, would care, but Mari had a heart attack and those idiotic Fehevari doctors could not save her."

The image of her sponsor, Agricultural Rep Mari Asa, filled her mind, the horrible scene playing out in detail.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to ground myself and forced the question from my mouth. "Whose scent am I smelling on you, Cozmin?"

She grimaced, the scene blanking out to be replaced by something far worse.

"Lord Riker Atrius, now Agricultural Rep Atrius, inherited me when he replaced her."

"Dammit," I hissed.

She met my eyes, swallowing hard. "I take it you know who he is."

"I know what he is," I growled, letting her go. "How was this allowed? I thought he was banned from ever having a—"

"The Creea have allowed it because of his new position, and because they couldn't upset the balance of my current rank. They claim it's probationary, but..."

"You can share everything with Rilyin, Lynn. You know perfectly well I can get you that audience."

Her eyes narrowed. "Seriously, why do you care? Why now? I have only ever been a nuisance to you. Your mother did not exactly send me along to be your friend."

I ignored her. "Will you talk to Rilyin?"

She shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It is impossible." She pointed to her brand. "He used it. I could not give details if my life depended on it."

"It might," I said between my teeth.

She nodded. "I know."

There was movement behind me as Carson opened the door, glancing in at us curiously. She shook her head at him, and he ducked back inside, leaving it ajar. Her eyes blackened as she caught sight of Orion at the table.

"Why did you bring her, Tritteon? She is an abomination," she muttered. "A perverted echo of our kind. You cannot trust her."

I shifted my stance enough to block her line of sight. "For the time being, she is my partner, Cozmin. You will leave her alone. Is that understood?"

Her jaw set, her glare returning. "A dragon and a human cannot work alongside each other without endangering your Sponsor. It is not safe to have her around, Tritteon. You might as well bring Daniel back for all the good she will do."

I shook my head. "Get to know her or do nothing. It is your choice. But please allow me a night of not having to worry about a fight erupting. This reservation was quite expensive."

She eyed me, one brow cocked. "Did the great Tritteon Nazonna just say please?"

I chuckled. "You say great, but somehow I think you mean arrogant."

She gave me a half smile. "Glad we are on the same page." She scanned me slowly, her smile slipping. "What happened over there? You seem...different." She looked around me to Orion. "There isn't something going on between you I should know about?"

I sighed. "Cozmin, enough. She is not Daniel."

She moved to jab the puncture wound she'd made in my shoulder, but I caught her hand. "And you are not free to choose whomever you want. It would ruin everything."

Shades of violet filled my vision. "Enough, Lynn. You are out of line. She is my partner—"

Her eyes blackened and she stepped closer. "You say partner, but I think you mean something else."

"I do not care what you think it means. I am all for discussing and finding a course of action for your current predicament. But I will not allow you to accuse and threaten me—"

"I have not threatened you...yet."

"I have known you since we were children, Lynn—"

"Then you know what I will do if I find out that you have broken the protocols your mother has set forth." She flashed teeth in an eerie smile. "There. Threat given."

I let out a whoosh of exasperation, taking a moment to calm myself. "Threat received." I leaned in, resting my hand on her forearm, and she looked down at it warily. "And about your predicament. I promise I will speak with Rilyin about a possible course of action. Alright?"

She pulled her arm away, saying nothing, her cold expression concealing her doubt laced surprise. "Your party is waiting."

I blocked her from passing me with my arm. "Do I have your word you will leave her alone?"

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." And she shoved past me, as close to a yes as I was going to get.


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