1. In The Blink Of An Eye

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"So how long until it shows up?"

I took a sip of my milkshake as Felix poked and prodded at my arm. "The doctor said anywhere from a few hours to three days, depends on my genetics."

"Three days? I can't wait that long!" Felix furrowed his eyebrows before wiggling his fingers at the bandaid. "Appear!"

I looked from the bandaid to his face. "Nice try."

He shrugged. "It's your soulmate."

I stared for a second before widening my eyes. "What's happening? My entire arm is tingling and I think I see....ink?

Felix's face lit up as he strained to lean over the table to get a good look. "Really?!"

The fake face I had made instantly dropped. "Oh no, the tingling stopped. I guess my arm just fell asleep for a second."

"That's just mean."

"I am not mean!" I put a hand on my chest when he frowned. "Name one mean thing I have done or said ever!"

"You convinced me eggs weren't real."

I let out a laugh. "Okay valid, but why do you seem more interested in who my soulmate is than I am?"

"I'm just curious," he answered vaguely, poking at the bandaid.

I hissed when he gave a particularly hard poke, causing him to stop and look at me with concern. "My arm's still sore," I explained.

He opened his mouth to say sorry but I waved him off. It's not like he knew.

Felix sat back in the plastic chair, picking up his ice cream cup and aimlessly stirring the spoon around. I took another sip from my milkshake, looking away from him to the empty street in front of us. The neon lights of the convenience store's awning above us cast a faint green glow over the little area. I got out of the hospital pretty late so the stars were out and almost no one was on the road.

I placed my milkshake cup on the little table between us. "Thanks for picking me up again Felix," I said.

He took a bite of his ice cream. "No problem. What took so long anyway? Minho was pretty salty you didn't show up for your shift."

I winced. "I'm screwed, aren't I?"

"He did mention an air fryer."

I slumped in my chair dramatically. "Oh no I'm gonna die."

Felix let out a deep laugh. "So what took so long?"

"....I passed out on the table."

I scowled when Felix choked on his drink, doubling over in laughter. "It's not funny lix! You know how I get with needles."


"It was like a 6 inch needle!"

"Did it even touch you before you passed out?!"


Felix collapsed into more laughter.

I stood up with a scowl. "I'm leaving, have fun eating ice cream by yourself."

He made a sound of protest as I started walking back in the direction of my apartment. I did not need the teasing right now. I just woke up from a two hour involuntary nap more exhausted than I was and now my arm was starting to ache like someone used it as a punching bag.

"You were really going to leave me?" Felix pouted as he fell in step beside me. "I feel abandoned. I could have been kidnapped."

I snorted. "Oh please, you're not Hyunjin. I don't think you would follow a stranger home."

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