6. Bestfriends Before Soulmates

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This is not my bed.

I scrunched my nose as I tried to bury my face further into the fabric, something about it causing waves of straight endorphins to shoot through my system. As I shifted, I could hear someone speaking very softly. I squinted in the direction of the voice, suddenly becoming acutely aware that I was not alone in the room.

I could recognize that silhouette anywhere.

His body shook with laughter at something he read off his monitor, responding to whatever was said in English. It was a shame I couldn't understand most of the language, but I could easily say that his accent was beautiful to listen to, even if I didn't know what he was saying.

Sometimes Felix and he would talk in full English in front of me just to see how I'd react.

I eventually just started finding words in Korean that I knew they didn't know and said them in rapid secession like they were a sentence.

I moved so most of my body was facing Chan and his livestream, only my eyes visible over the blanket. Another question, another response in English. Maybe I should study harder, this is why my grades suck.

"'Can I see your laptop for science, Chan?' Umm, I don't think so..." Chan read, laughing as quietly as he could. "I don't think people will be too happy if I spoiled all my songs."

My lips turned up at his answer. I wonder which song he hinted this time? As an aspiring producer, Chan was always playing around with lyrics and backup tracks. Changbin and Han would help most of the time, since Changbin was majoring in the same thing and Han had an affinity for lyrics. But when they were busy, or Chan just wanted another opinion, he would run a section past me. A few of his creations had already made it to Spotify.

"'Chan why are you being so quiet?' I think everyone is asleep right now, and I don't want to wake them up....No, I won't post pictures of them sleeping, Stay!"

Chan's amused voice only made my own smile grow. He kept talking for a little longer, switching from Korean to English and back, while I just watched. It was fun to see him interact with his fans. He was still my Chan, but there was a new kind of confidence and surety to every word he would speak.

I was the opposite. Any standing in front of people or just interacting in general made me want to cry. Chan had convinced me a couple of times to appear on lives with him, and that had just made it clear to me that if he wasn't beside me, I couldn't do it. That's just not something I'm good at.

Sometimes I would turn on his lives as background noise as I did assignments, if he wasn't already with me.

I saw Chan stand up and move closer to the monitor. He must be ending the live, if the virtual hug was any clue. I bit my lip as I watched him press a few buttons, ending the live and closing out tabs he had open. I opened my mouth to speak when I heard the sound of the door.

I don't know if it was just the freaking 'kid instinct', but I immediately covered myself with a blanket and acted like I was dead.

"Is Haewon still asleep?" Changbin's voice.

"Yea, she seemed really tired earlier, but Minho told me she wasn't sick."

There was a small pause, and I had to stop myself from jumping when the end of the bed dipped. Changbin must have sat down. "She looked comfortable curled up like that beside you."

The smirk in Changbin's voice made me flush.

I was suddenly glad that the area below my eyes was covered by the blanket.

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