15. Lights Out

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I've always been afraid of thunderstorms.

Nothing traumatic happened to me during one, I just hate them.

There's something about the loud bangs of thunder that make it hard to think, or the sudden scene of your window lighting up like the entire outside world has been caught on fire. Or, even worse, the silence that follows after the light and sound, where instead of not being able to think you think too much, wondering when the next strike will happen, only to be caught off guard when it really arrives.

It's terrifying.

And 100% happening outside of my apartment right now.

Like I wasn't already having a bad night.

"Yah!" I yelled, pressing my hands against my ears and jumping as a loud bang reverberated around my room. "Stop that! I was trying to sleep!!"

For a moment, the outside turned quiet, and all I could hear was the harsh sound of rain hitting my window. Then, my entire room lit up and there was a loud bang and I was suddenly on the floor, my body caught in a mess of sheets and blankets and fear. I let out a small scream as the thunder happened again. I was fighting the blankets like I couldn't decide if I wanted to be free of them or hide under them, hands still covering my ears.

This sucks.

I swear this is one of the worst storms I've ever seen in my life. I could actually hear the wind smacking into the wall of my building. I fought to free myself, kicking the blankets off of me and moving to stand with shaky legs. I hate thunderstorms. I hate the sound of thunder, the look of lightning. I walked around the room, jumping when lightning lit it up again with a loud strike afterwards. It's too dark in here. I need a light. If a light is on, I won't notice the lightning as much.

"Light, light, light. I need light," I muttered, turning on every lamp and string light I could find around my room.

The shadows were taken over by the warm glow of the lamps. I quickly rushed over to the window to see what was happening.

The sky was almost pitch black, and the trees that had been meticulously planted around my apartment building were swaying back and forth with the wind. My eyes widened with shock when I noticed the roads were flooding, creating rivers where cars should be driving. There was debris everywhere; in the flood, in the air, and across the roofs of other buildings.

I was suddenly very glad I did not live on the first floor.

A scream escaped me as lightning struck directly outside my window. "Stop i-it!" I yelled, voice cracking as the thunder sounded.

I quickly covered the window with my curtains and jumped onto my bed, picking one of my blankets off of the floor and wrapping it around myself. "I am not my fear, I am more than my fear," I whispered repeatedly, a mantra from a show I watched once.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, a wave of nausea hit me so strong that I doubled over.

It's official.

This really sucks.

I took one of my hands off my ears and placed it over my mouth, gagging as I took a step towards my bathroom. I swear if I throw up on this carpet right now I will simply pass away.

Stopping at the door to the bathroom, I leaned against the doorframe. Was I sweating? I wish the blanket had stayed around me when I got up to move. Why was my room so cold? I flipped on the lights to the bathroom and took a shaky breath.

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