18. Save Me

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I don't know what I was expecting, but a feeling of emptiness wasn't it.

I didn't want to open my eyes as I took in the silence of the room, the fact that I was all alone in the dark. The blankets were pressed against me, heavy as I tried to shift without causing my body pain, something that just made the emptiness in the room more prominent.

It was stupid.

It was needy.

But still, I wanted Chan's arms around me.

I pushed the blankets off, my skin feeling like it was burning up. I put a hand over my eyes, feeling the world spin from the small movement.

"Frick," I muttered, forcing myself to push past what I was feeling and sit up on the edge of the bed.
My whole body ached. I squinted as I looked around the room, my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the darkness. Reaching toward the lamp on the bedside table, I pressed the button only for nothing to happen.

The power was still out.

How long were we going to be without power? I can't ever remember a storm knocking out all the power for more than 24 hours. I couldn't tell how long I'd been asleep or what time it was but it felt like it had been out forever.

I carefully stood, holding onto the beside table for balance as my bare feet hit the floor. I was still dressed in pajama pants and Chan's hoodie, I must've just fallen asleep in them once I got here. I paused as another wave of dizziness hit me, squeezing my eyes shut. Why am I suddenly sick again? At least I wasn't throwing up or nauseous, maybe I did something that...stalled the sickness?

But as the dizziness subsided and a weird feeling grew in my chest, something told me that everything was very, very wrong.

Feeling my way around the room, my hand found the edge of a curtain, and I gently pulled on the fabric.

I immediately squinted as light hit my eyes, ripping the rest of the curtain open. It hung weirdly, Chan never really hanging it up right and leaving it on two rings. I winced as light fully filled the room, holding tightly to the curtain as I became fully disoriented. Common sense was telling me my feet were on the floor, but I felt like I was falling.

Finally calming down and opening my eyes, I saw the world outside the window.

There were fallen limbs all across the roads, or what you could see of them. Most of the road was standing water, filled with debris and pieces of plant life. Everything was strangely empty, and it was like I couldn't see any movement at all even though we were on a high floor.

It was surreal.

I shook my head as I backed away from the window, turning to see the rest of the room in the light.

My eyes caught on Chan's desk, something seeming...off as I looked. I softly padded across the floor, eyebrows knitting together as I took in the cluttered papers, a small folded note sitting on top.


     I reached forward and then stopped.

     I shouldn't read it.

     It's not mine, it's Chan's.

But the note....

No. I really shouldn't read it.

But what if it's like this huge secret that saves the world from some imminent threat?

Then Chan can take care of it, not me. Let me be the coward—

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