7. Words Unspoken

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"Does it make you feel better to know that we're the same level of stupid?"

"No, it really doesn't."

Felix unceremoniously dropped his tray on the table and looked at Han like he was stupid. "I got a 72 on the test."

     Jisung rolled his eyes, placing his tray down across from the Aussie. "And? I got a 58 so you still did better than me."

     "English literally my home language, mate."

     From in front of me, Chan watched Felix stab a chopstick repeatedly into his food with concern.

     To be honest, I didn't really know how to act when he sat down across from me a few minutes ago. No, that's a lie. I still don't know how to act. How do you even talk to a soulmate about the girl he likes?

     The answer is you don't.

     You just awkwardly say nothing and unsuccessfully try to pretend like nothing's changed.

     Sometimes I wish I was a better liar.

The worst part was I can't even bring myself to hate Chan.

We've been best friends for years. We've grown up with each other. Chan's family became my family when my family didn't bother to show. Now, for better or for worse I was his soulmate. And as his soulmate, I just want him to be happy.

So I will act normal.

I took a big bite of my lunch just as I heard Jisung say, "What about you Wonnie?"

My eyes were widened as I turned with my mouth completely full, my chopsticks dangling with more noodles I couldn't fit.

The way I looked caused Han and Felix to collapse into laughter as Channie tried to contain himself. "You look so cute!" Chan said, reaching across the table to poke my puffed-out cheek. I shot him a glare and slapped his hand away.

"You look like Han!" Felix exclaimed, which just made the mentioned boy smile and cup his face in his hands to make it more round.

"Is that a compliment?" I sassed, managing to swallow my food.

Jisung slapped his hands on the table, his mouth wide in offense. Meanwhile Felix had started a new round of laughter and Chan had started his not-so-silent laugh that he was trying to hide.

"What if that was my thirteenth reason?" Jisung forced a sniffle.

"Do you want me to give you a fourteenth reason?" I teased.

"You know what—where's my google maps?" He pulled out his phone dramatically. "Let me just....'Nearest bridges' and....yep, there we go!"

I covered my my mouth as I laughed, but the few petals I had been expecting never came. I took a slightly shaky breath, my throat tickling. I knew I was approaching the next time, so if I didn't cough them up now, I would very soon.

Standing up, I leaned over and tapped the boy, stopping him momentarily from showing off nearby bridges he found on his phone to Felix (who was nodding at the pictures) and pointed toward the row of vending machines across the cafeteria.

"Want anything?" I asked, wanting an excuse to get away for a moment. At least the vending machines were somewhat secluded.

"An americano?"

I scrunched up my face. "From a vending machine?"

"Oh. A monster?"

I nodded as Felix asked for a soda as well, looking over at Chan to see if he wanted anything. He simply shook his head no, and then joined into the other two boys' teasing with a dimpled smile.

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