13. I'll Be Your Man

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There was someone in my kitchen.

I scrunched up my face at the sounds of movement, trying to bury my face in my pillow. Why must this be happening? Why must I suffer? I was having a really good nap until this moment. A particularly loud sound made me flinch, and I pulled the cover closer to my body to try and block it out.


I live alone.

I opened my eyes and screamed.

     It was Minho who caught my pillow with his face.

     The pillow hit him with a satisfying thwack, but it still wasn't enough to get rid of all the rage I was currently feeling. I sat up in my bed, leveling my scowl at the boy who was still recovering from my attack. He rubbed his nose, pillow clutched in one hand, and shot me a glare.

"What is wrong with you?!" I yelled out.

"You threw a pillow at me!"

"I should've thrown something harder!"

Minho raised the pillow in his hand just as I grabbed another one.

My room door swung open with a bang, causing the two of us to pause the war we were about to start and turn our glares to the person in the doorway.

"Hey did one of you scream because I heard a scream but sometimes I hear Felix screaming from across the hall, or it could be some random person outside because sometimes I walk at night and just scream—" Jisung looked up as he ate a chip from the giant family-sized bag in his hand and his eyes immediately widened. "I'm sensing danger."

"Very observant," Minho sassed.

The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it. My eyes shifted from Minho to Jisung and back while Minho's did the same. Poor Jisung was just frozen in the doorway with the bag of chips clutched to his chest, looking innocently between the two of us. Finally, the boy caught in the middle spoke.

"....do you want chips?"


Jisung sprinted out of the room at Minho and I's combined yell.

I let my hand holding the pillow fall on the bed, giving Minho a look of disbelief. "You left Han Jisung alone in my kitchen??"

Minho's arm immediately relaxed as he shrugged. "How was I supposed to know you were asleep?"

"Oh I don't know, common sense??" I sighed as I rubbed a hand down the side of my face, resting it on my cheek.

     "Did you fall asleep right after you came from classes?" Minho reached forward and moved a piece of hair that had been hanging in my eyes. "You look like a feral raccoon."

     "A cute feral raccoon?" I asked, struggling to comb my fingers through my hair.

     "No. Absolutely not."

     I shot him another glare.

     I frowned when my fingers refused to comb my hair any further. This is what I get for having wavy hair, freaking tangles and sadness.

Knowing that my hair would need more help than just my fingers if I didn't want to look like Hagrid from Harry Potter, I let out a little sound of frustration as I moved to stand. That action was immediately regretted when I felt the world spin under my feet.

Minho immediately put a hand under my arm, slowly lowering me to sit back on the bed. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt a sudden wave of nausea hit me, making me want to curl up on the floor and cry. Finally, the wave passed, and I opened my eyes to see Minho wearing a concerned expression.

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