20. Silent Cry

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The bus ride was silent as Seungmin kept his eyes focused on the scene outside the window, his head resting against the glass. His face was relaxed and calm as he stared at the buildings passing by.

Meanwhile, I was freaking out.

I tried to stare out the window past Seungmin and focus on the lowering sun or the people walking on the sidewalk, but my head couldn't get past the reason we were on the bus in the first place.

If I threw myself out the window, do you think Seungmin would notice?

I ran my hands down the fabric of my jeans, trying to calm myself down by taking deep breaths but nothing seemed to be working. Frustrated, I stuck my hands under my legs.

You made a promise, I had to keep reminding myself.

I didn't want to go.

I didn't want to see them.

I didn't want to be reminded.

I wanted to leave and go home, talk to Chan and watch a movie with him. I wanted to laugh at the characters and eat together like he offered.

Remember the promise.

I wanted to scream.


I stared at the floor, tapping my foot as I repeatedly glanced past Seungmin's profile out at the city. I was starting to recognize the buildings now, meaning we were close. I felt like the closer we got, the more jittery I was until I was barely on the edge of my seat, my whole body shaking slightly.

     I jumped when I felt hand a hand grab my wrist, almost falling out of my seat. Seungmin rolled his eyes before gesturing toward the open door of the bus, which had stopped without me noticing. I stuck my keys into my jacket pocket with my phone and stood, walking toward the door.

     The bus doors hissed as the door closed behind us, the bus pulling off before I could change my mind and jump back on, leaving Seungmin.

     What a shame.

     Seungmin's hand slid down from my wrist to hold on to my hand, carefully squeezing it. "Are you ready?"

I wasn't ready.

But I made myself nod and look up.

The building was made of white and glass, towering over the parking lot where we were standing in. At the top was the name Seoul National Soulmate Hospital, written in white neon lights that still intimidated me as they stood out against the receding sun. Scattered around the hospital were trees and bushes, trying to make the hospital seem more colorful than stark, but there were no flowers.

"Let's go," I said, and the two of us walked toward the entrance.

Seungmin held open the door as I entered, holding my breath for a moment as I took in the inside. It was still almost completely white like the outside, but there were touches of a deep brown wood in the flooring, the walls, and the desks. Cherry blossom wood, I remember being told as a kid.

I don't like this place.

I slowly walked behind Seungmin as he approached the front reception, looking around and taking notice of the very few people in the waiting area. I mean it makes sense. Most people here don't have visitors. Still, I checked that there was no one here that I knew, just to make sure. Seungmin didn't seem bothered, leaning on the counter of the reception desk as he spoke.

     "I'm here for an appointment," Seungmin said.

     "Patient's full name?" A woman asked.

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