A Cynical Perspective

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After that eventful meeting, Anakin was impressed. "You have a purple blade?"
Izuku nodded, displaying his knowledge in the force. "Yes. I am proficient in both "sides" of the force, as you understand it. Although I prefer to say that I am proficient in the use of the Force itself. Light and Dark are just arbitrary distinctions. I see it as an insult that he has it when he is so... rigid, almost fanatical in his beliefs. I am always trying to learn more, not to remain stagnant." They continued to walk down the hall. "Either way... at least I showed that I am not their enemy."

"By brute forcing your way into the Jedi Archives. The council won't see it that way." Obi Wan countered, shaking his head, his tone serious. Playing devil's advocate.

Izuku sighed, knowing that this is a

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Izuku sighed, knowing that this is a... difficult topic to broach with the man. "Obi Wan, there are many things I find... disagreeable about your order. The fact your archives are kept from the people is... concerning, to put it mildly. On our world, all of the information on the planet is kept on the internet. People can learn all they want or need to. Unconfined by genetics or the Force." He turned to them. "Just think on what I have said, alright? Banshee." He turned to Hizoshi. "I would like for you to receive a tour of the archives. Preferably from someone her own age. Perhaps... Your padawan, Master Skywalker?"

He brightened, as it would be beneficial to meet and get along with new people. And if Shinsou was like Class A, then they would get along quite well. "That sounds good. In all honesty, that is probably the best idea, given the situation."
Obi Wan nodded in agreement. "Yes, it does."

Ashoka took that in stride. "Don't worry, Masters. I'll give her a proper tour."

"Just one more thing..." He brought her to the side and quietly whispered. "Sorry for dumping this on you. I just want to be able to understand what the Jedi position in this whole mess is. The Council is clearly not just a spiritual body anymore. They have political agendas, and I want to know how that can... impact Earth."
"Right. And any secret knowledge?" She asked.
He nodded, Izuku's expression grim under the helm. "Any you can find, send to us. We'll try to see if it can be useful or become relevant later. I know it's boring, but you are the only one I can trust with this. At this point, they would rather skewer me with a lightsaber than let me personally access those files."

She nodded, "I understand. Just be careful, okay?"
Izuku nodded, with the two then approached the three jedi once again, and Izuku saying to her, "I will." To the Jedi, he said,  "I must return to the senate for our reveal. I will give Ochako your regards." He turned and walked away. Soon after that, the two Jedi Knights had other duties to attend to, leaving the padawans alone.

"So", the Togruta girl asked, smiling at her... masked peer. Even if she couldn't see her face, she could sense her intent. It was far closer to her own, and that was a plus, in any regard. "Where would you like to go first?"

As Izuku took a taxi, he realized he didn't have any republic credits. Fortunately... when he contacted Padme Amidala, she was more than accommodating. He'd be set up with credit deals to help support his world, and help his government integrate properly. From what he'd seen, Republic credits are in between the US dollar and Japanese Yen, and it was a messy conversion. Once paid for, Padme immediately started helping them with their introductions. The proper method, the protocols while in the Senate, and how they should speak. It was a long and boring process. As he listened, he wondered how Hizoshi was doing...

Ashoka was a diligent and patient tour guide. Even after the tour, and she started to go over the data... she couldn't read the language as fluently as Izuku could. After all, he dedicated a lot of time to study, while she... was busy fighting in the Unification War. It might have been an oversight, but Ashoka pulled her aside and actually started to give lessons on their written language: Aurebesh. It's alphabet was similar to English, with each English letter having an equivalent, and following the English rules of grammar and spoken language. It wasn't that hard. At least, not as bad as learning English in the first place. When they were done, Ashoka offered to bring her back to Izuku at the Senate building, and she obliged. However, they didn't notice another person watching them from a distance as they left, speeding in a taxi towards the dome...

Sheev Palpatine was less than enthusiastic that the Revenant survived the Jedi Temple, but he supposed he shouldn't be surprised. After all, this new leader is a crafty one. He managed to make General Grievous back off, even make an amicable impression on him. On Grievous, the cyborg who kills for fun! It was near madness... but, he remained as the friendly chancellor he showed himself to be as he discussed with Izuku when their introduction would be done when his apprentice appeared alongside Anakin's. They stood silently at attention, so Sheev paid them no mind.

"Tomorrow is the earliest day I can put forth this momentous occasion to the Senate. Until then..." It was then that a boom could be heard in the distance. Turning, they were all shocked to see the Jedi temple, smoke billowing out. 

"My word

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"My word..." The Chancellor said, completely surprised, and sounding horrified. But, secretly, he was ecstatic. Who was the one to do that? It is a surprise, but certainly a welcome one. It was then that Ashoka's holocommunicator pinged. Anakin Skywalker appeared on it, and the news was dire. His voice was laced with worry. "Ahsoka, where are you?"
"I'm in the Senate building? Is it because..."
Anakin sighed with relief, that his padawan was safe. But, he still had orders to transmit. "We need you back at the temple. Quickly."

Izuku spoke quickly. "Banshee, help them in any capacity you need to."

She nodded, following Ahsoka quickly, who was already running down the halls. He turned back to the Chancellor. "So, what does this mean for tomorrow?"

"This changes things immensely." Sheev said, then asked, "Why did you send your... aide to their aid?"
The Revenant angled the mask to look at the Chancellor head on, and met his eyes. "Because it is the right thing to do. She is trained in healing, and can help them. Besides, it's natural to help someone in need."

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