Cut to the Chase

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As they ran through the building, the trio found Commander Fox kneeling over three clones... clearly killed by a lightsaber. The wounds were still glowing, they were struck down few minutes ago.

 The wounds were still glowing, they were struck down few minutes ago

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This is getting worse and worse... Hizoshi thought as she overheard Fox talk into his communicator. "...has killed three clones. Code Red. If you see the target, shoot to kill."

Shit, that's even better!

Anakin was quick to react, shouting out to the clone. "Belay that order, Commander Fox!"

"She's killed troopers!" He said in reply, which was something that Hizoshi thought was out of character. Rex agreed with her on that point. "I know Commander Tano. She would never do something like this."

"Then who did?" Fox argued back.

However, Anakin was still thinking of Ahsoka, and told both of them, "Be quiet!" before calling out. "Ahsoka, it's me, Anakin. Stop running!"

He waited a moment, before there was a response. From Ahsoka. "You can't help me master. Someone is setting me up."

"I believe you, Ahsoka." The jedi knight responded.

Hizoshi was about to call out and agree when Ahsoka called back, "But no one else will!" Everyone knew what that response entailed. She wasn't going to turn herself back in. Not now. Anakin turned back to Rex, completely ignoring Commander Fox. "Keep searching until we find her. Rex, call security. Tell them we need to search the entire base. Now! Banshee, with me!"

The violette followed as Anakin broke into a run, hearing Rex speaking to his own communicator: "General Skywalker has just issued an all-points bulletin on Commander Ahsoka Tano."

Meanwhile, in a different part of Coruscant, Izuku Midoriya was preparing to depart the next day. He had a different selection of robes ready, but for now, he was invited to dinner. It was just Ochako, him, and Padme Amidala. The stipulation of this was that he only had invited those he could trust. Padme had said that she would only invite those she trusted, and so the greenette had set up a dining room table. It was long, and as custom, he would sit at its head. As he waited, the guests arrived. He recognized a few of them, of course, but there were a couple he did not. He watched them all sit down, many of them clearly unnerved. Glancing at Ochako, she nodded, letting him know everyone had arrived. He noticed Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma, but did not recognize the blue skinned alien. 

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