Padawan On the Run

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The night in full swing as Hizoshi meandered through the Coruscant undercity. Force Tracking worked by extending out with the force to find a particular target. It works best when you've interacted with them, and Ahsoka definitely fit the bill. Keeping her communicator active, Hizoshi's earpiece was quiet in regards to the police having found her. That was good, because it allowed...

Well, before that train of thought could be completed, she just had to envoke Murphy's Law, as the local police spoke over the comms. "High Priority suspect on level 1312. Former Jedi, Ahsoka Tano. Togrutan female. All units respond." A scrambled, almost droidlike voice responded. She had seen the coruscant police, designed to change the silhouette and not look like any species in particular... which was due to gang politics... often based on race. Even here, there were still petty divisions... but that was not her focus. Now, it was on Ahsoka.

Of course I had to open my big mouth... er, brain.

She ran quickly, as the police chatter cracked in her earpiece. She certainly made distance when on the run, but based on where she was headed, Hizoshi figured there would be a way to cut her off... however, soon she found her... but wasn't the first to do so. When Hizoshi finally tracked her down, there was a figure wearing armor pinning the torgrutan jedi to the ground... with two red lightsabers at her throat. Red lightsabers?! Only Sith have those, from what Izuku told me... They were speaking, but Hizoshi didn't intend on intervening. If she got involved... Izuku would struggle with the political fallout. However, that didn't stop her from listening in.

 However, that didn't stop her from listening in

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"...I didn't believe it when I first heard it..." The voice of the second person was filtered, but still sounding feminine, responded, "...but the Senate has put a price on your horned little head." She laughed to herself, sinisterly, before deactivating one blade and pressing a button on the side of her helmet, retracting it up. Ahsoka's eyes hardened instantly as she recognized the person involved, as she, without the filter, continued, "...and I'm going to be the one who collects."

Meanwhile, Ahsoka thought she put the pieces together, "It was you, Ventress! You were behind all of this, and you framed me!"

This came as a surprise to the individual, who responded in a monotone voice: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!" the forsaken jedi countered, before taking in the situation, "So what are you now, a bounty hunter ?"

So... she was not a bounty hunter last they met... interesting.

The woman responded with a simple explanation, "Yes. And one who knows how to make easy money." They pulled her up, and pushed her forward, taking her lightsaber and placing cuffs on her in the process. The violette was quick to follow, as they walked towards one of the large gaping pits back to the surface. 

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