Catching Up to A Friend

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Toshinori Yagi watched his students rest after the first time using swords. Only one had prior experience... but it was clear that even she was pushed to the edge. This wasn't a heroics course, as it didn't help with their quirks, or rescue skills. This was purely a training day for a particular type of weapon. The Lightsaber. Although, Yagi didn't yet know why.

That is, until he sensed a foreboding presence. Something far darker than anything, well, most things. AFO was far worse, but this new presence was close.

Midoriya returned... but not alone. A new woman followed right behind. Her presence was the dark one he noticed before. Every student turned to the newcomer, having felt the same foreboding feeling he did.

Acting on the attention, Izuku greeted the class yet again. "Thank you for waiting. Now that the training droids have preliminary data... I review it and suggest which style would be best for you. Now, you must be wondering who this is behind me..." He paused, before continuing, "This will be your new teacher, if you would introduce yourself."

The woman stepped forward. She was gaunt, with pale skin, bald, and with two lines going down from the tips of her mouth, matching her lip shader. She wore a form fitting suit with moderate brown colored armor. Her arms were crossed, a non-verbal shout that she had reservations... but her eyes... a steely ice blue. Her gaze scrutinized the group... before she spoke. It was a quiet, yet authoritative tenor, and honey to the ears. A dangerous combo to the unaware boys in the group.

"My name is Asajj Ventress. I will be your lightsaber instructor. If you have any questions for me, ask them now." She pointed to a student with their hand up. "Yes?"
"Where are you from?" Mina asked, curious.

"I am from Dathomir."

Next was Denki, who, lacking situational awareness, asked bluntly, "Can we see your lightsabers? They gotta be cool..."

She sighed, but then, surprisingly, Izuku came to her defense in this. "They were destroyed in her last duel. That is part of why she is here... to have a chance to make new ones. Are you up for any more questions before I turn you over to teach?"

"One more." Ventress stated, before choosing Tsu, "Yes?"
"Is it true that the rest of the galaxy is quirkless?"

"What?" That confused her. And so, Izuku had to cover yet again. "Yes, Tsuyu. The rest of the galaxy is quirkless. However, a small percentage do have power. Ventress is like me. We have power, but they're not quirks."

They accepted that. Since Quirks were a uniquely Earth phenomenon, they knew that power wass rare... but they had no real idea that quirks weren't all powerful. In fact, their first run in with droids proved that they could be game changers. Their quirks overpowered a droid army. But that was due to one tactical oversight on the Tactical Droid's part, and luck.

They wouldn't get a second chance with that.

And that fact in particular was what keyed Yagi into the real reason. He wanted people prepared. He just didn't know who to trust. So, Midoriya turned to the trusted classmates of 1A. They were Uraraka's and Shinsou's friends. And... he'd apparently spoken with Yaoyorozu and Jirou personally. They were trusted as well.

It was logical, the man could admit. As he observed her begin to teach form 2, her preferred form of lightsaber combat, Izuku meandered over to him.

"What do you think?"
"How did you discover her?" Allmight asked, more curious than afraid.

The response he got surprised him even more. "I didn't. Hizoshi did."

That caught the old hero by surprise, with a raised eyebrow. In his time working with the violette, she didn't really trust many people. "Really?"

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