Acceptance to the Republic

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Arriving at the co-ordinates received, Hizhoshi found herself in another place of opulence. An apartment building that was the opposite of Jackar's in nearly any way. Izuku relaxed on a sofa, his helmet off, and Ochako sitting next to him. "Hey Hizoshi. How are things?"
Sighing, she finally felt safe enough to remove her mask, sitting on a chair opposite them. "We caught the bomber. It was a civilian woman, Letta, who fed her husband nano-droids which could explode."

Ochako asked, horrified that such a technology existed. "What?! That's a thing?"
The violette confirmed this with a nod, before continuing her report. "From what I gather, the Jedi aren't too popular. After the bombing took place, people were more distrusting of Jedi than anyone else. I have a feeling the only reason we found out anything is because I and Russo, the droid investigator, were not Jedi."
"That is troubling. I will have to look into this." Izuku said, mostly to himself. 

Before he could devolve into his own thoughts, Hizoshi continued the conversation. "Before arriving, I did speak to Russo about his findings. Fortunately, the nano-droids were nowhere else in the temple, and that he appeared to work alone, or at least his wife did."

"That is good. There was a late session of the senate that happened after. They voted for the Military Police to detain her properly." Ochako said, before continuing, "This matter is over."
Sighing, the other girl agreed, before asking. "Yeah... so what's next?"

Izuku explained, clear and calm. "Tomorrow is when Earth makes its debut. Ochako and I will be giving a speech in the main senate chamber. After that, we'll be petitioning for the gifting of several warships, under the guise of our protection. It should work, because I have a hidden strategy: these." He gave her a data chip. "This contains a movie I had made during the Separatist invasion. A live action documentary of events. How they invaded, how they found us, how they almost attacked a child, forcing us to act... you know, everything."

"I'm assuming you didn't include the fact that you were that child?"
"Of course not." Izuku almost laughed at that. "They would think I engineered a war with them if I did. Besides, if I am to be taken seriously, I need to appear older than I actually am. There will come a time where the Revenant is no longer needed... but that day is far from now."

When a droid entered with drinks, Izuku clapped his hands, and said, "Come on, let's relax for the moment. Everything's going fine for now, so let's enjoy everything that the Capitol has to offer."

Ochako was incredibly nervous. She knew that Izuku was steering her to become the main senator for Earth, but what she would say today would influence Earth politics for years to come.
Izuku asked as they arrived at the Senate building. "Nervous?"
Glancing to him, but not meeting his eyes, the brunette asked with it lining her voice. "It's that obvious?"
"I know the feeling well." Izuku admitted. "I feel it too, now more than ever, but I've just had a lot of practice in dealing with it. Do you know why I chose you to be our representative?"

This change in topic confused but also did take her mind off of her own nervousness. "No... why?"
And what Izuku stated floored her. Completely blindsided her, and ironically made her forget about her anxiety of the sitaution. "Because you are the best of us. A hero in the true sense of the word. You were the first contact with the Republic, and... you have a spirit that can't be matched. Hizoshi is better at undercover operations, out of the spotlight, I am better at leading, since I know what must be done. Ochako, you also have a perfect backstory, exemplifying the best of who we are, as you worked hard, first from low income, becoming a public servant, then our savior by contacting Kenobi and Skywalker. Does that make sense?"

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