The Pyke Syndicate

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Izuku watched as the Starrunner lifted off, flying high into the air. He'd have time to contemplate. With all the stress of leadership, he needed some time off. And this was the first day to be able to do so. Walking down to UA, he observed Asajj Ventress' teaching period. They spent most of their time practicing form stances. Ah, that takes me back to when I first started training to use a lightsaber. He walked inside, and back to work. After all, this is just one of a number of things to oversee. Soon, he would have to contact Ochako about setting up a meeting at Tapoca City with Halle Burtoli. The name he made sure to memorize... because Kamino right now was one of, if not the most influential planets, besides the shipmaking planets and Coruscant. Their planet created the Grand Army of the Republic, and he would, of course, want a peek under the hood.

The crew aboard The Soundwave, as they had taken to calling their living vessel, were preparing for their next stop. They had to make sure that they would arrive armed enough to have a backup... should diplomacy not work. Hizoshi didn't like loaning one of her two lightsabers... but saw no alternative in this. "Look... if you want me to help arrange new parts for a saber... just let me know. Okay?"

"I will..." She carefully gripped the blade. "But for now... I think I won't. Not yet."

"Then maybe get a blaster, instead." The two turned to look at her, as she leant against the doorframe. The mirilian held up a hand, knowing what Ahsoka would say. "Listen, I know you jedi frown on blasters, but since you're not one, you should diversify. And I happen to know... that Jedi can use their freaky force powers with blasters."

Ahsoka clearly gave a look of being uncomfortable with this, and the captain didn't take it personally. "Just an option, is all. Get ready. We're arriving."

With that knowledge now present, the two force sensitives nodded, and walked towards the front of the ship. Looking through the cockpit window, Soundwave announced, his synthesized voice audible to all, just as the streaks of hyperspace started to distort back into the stars of subspace. "Oba Diah ahead. Capitol pinpointed. Awaiting permission to land."


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"Alright... time to see if these guys are reasonable." Eve stated, completely serious. It was clear she was saving the wit and charm for when they're face to face.

"No hostilities detected." Soundwave reported, not even bothering to use the hologram functionality in the cockpit.

"Well, they either are welcoming us, or they're too high to care." Eve replied, before pushing the controls forward, angling the ship downwards, toward the surface. The ride down was smooth, but they did have a welcome party waiting on the landing platform. Three aliens with large, round heads, green skin, and armor stood there as the ship landed. Soundwave lowered the platform, and touched down, allowing the three combat adept women to leave. Lok, as the mechanic, elected to stay on the ship, not that she was particularly needed, but... it was to keep up appearances. Arguably, she would have the most worrying part. Waiting.

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