Duel of the Fates

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Padme's council had been good for the Togrutan girl... but even she had been pessimistic. It was fair, in Hizoshi's assessment. Even with witness testimony, it was unlikely that she would be absolved of the crimes laid at her feet. However... soon enough, it was time for the trial to begin. Hizoshi sat in one of the two observation boxes next to Ochako as everyone who wanted to see the trial organized themselves. The Jury was opposite them, and it was now that she took stock of the room. It was dark gray, with white lights lining the walls. The only color were red banners hanging from the ceiling, and the clothes of the jury, made up of Senators. This was a stacked deck, which became more apparent when the "Judge" walked onto the scene. It was Chancellor Palpatine. After Izuku's dinner not too long ago... Ochako's opinion on the man had certainly changed, but she kept up an appearance of impassiveness. Two guards stood at attention behind the elderly Chancellor, wearing bright red robes and a helm with a small, slit styled visor.

 Two guards stood at attention behind the elderly Chancellor, wearing bright red robes and a helm with a small, slit styled visor

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Two Coruscant guard Clone Troopers escorted Ahsoka into the chamber. She was handcuffed, but that really didn't matter. If she wanted to, she could have escaped with the Force, but everyone knew that there was no escape forever. That, and the action would have definitely damned her to whatever fate they had wanted to give the alien girl in the first place. The troopers stopped at the end of the walkway, while Ahsoka stood on a hover platform, which moved to the center of the room, cementing her position.

To her left, a young man with a receding hairline walked on the separate catwalk which flanked the platform. The violette recognized him, and scowled. He was one who wanted more military involvement with private affairs, and her prosecutor, Admiral Tarkin. A man of questionable reputation, he was held in high regard by the Chancellor for his no-nonsense attitude and determination to win. That, and he had a silver tongue. Meanwhile, Padme strode in a plain dress on a walkway coming from directly underneath them, acting as the defense. She was also no-nonsense, but had far more empathy than any politician had a right to bear. The two teens were both silently rooting for the two friends of theirs as the proceedings began.

Chancellor Palpatine stood, in somber gray robes, and stated the charges for all to hear in a similar tone. It was punctual and devoid of emotion, especially the kindness he'd shown the Earthlings before. "Ahsoka Tano. You have been charged with sedition against the Jedi Order and the Republic itself. This court will decide your fate. Prosecution, you may begin your arguments..."

Admiral Tarkin stepped forward, his voice smooth, and aristocratic. He had a habit of accentuating 'R' sounds. "Former Padawan Tano, I shall prove that you were the mastermind behind the attack on the Jedi Temple, and that once your accomplices carried out your orders, you eliminated them one by one. When you are found guilty..."


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