The Bomb at the Temple

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Ahsoka leapt into the taxi, Hizoshi followed. The padawan acted immediately, telling the robot. "Jedi Temple. Now!" The droid nodded, and sped across the surface, towards the temple, which had smoke pouring from the side. Turning, Ahsoka asked, surprised to see the violette there, she asked, "Wait, why are you here?"

As much as Hizoshi knew why Ahsoka was cautious, this wasn't the time for that. "I can help. I am trained in force healing."
"Right!" That seemed to make sense. All hands on deck would be useful, especially if they could help the casualties.

She elaborated, "Besides, Revenant doesn't need me with him. And I want to help." The speeder arrived at the temple, and the two of them rushed in to the interior. Anakin was waiting by the elevator.

"Ahsoka, there you are. The Council is wanting to meet with us immediately." It was then that he noticed Hizoshi. "You came as well?"
She nodded, her amethyst eyes meeting Anakin's blue. "Yeah. I'm here to help."

He smiled at her apparent honesty, and then said, "You can come too, just be quiet." The elevator closed and they went up, with none of them saying a word. The three of them exited, with the council looking at Anakin. The little green one spoke first, "Good to see you, it is, Skywalker."

"What do you need, Master Yoda?" Yoda... I'll keep that name in mind. The moniker of 'master' is only used with high level individuals. Perhaps he is well versed in knowledge of the Force.

Yoda, while he didn't smile, had a positive tone in his voice. It felt like a constant source of wonder and hope. No doubt he was that to many that he taught. "The bombing, you have already heard... investigate this matter, you and your padawan will."
Anakin asked, "With all due respect, why us?"
The small green alien, Yoda, explained his reasoning with continued calm, and with a soothing voice... even if his language was broken up by his unique way of speaking. "Arrived today, you have. No time, between your arrival, to now, have you been able to plant any kind of explosive. Between you, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi Wan... the only three to be clear of suspicion, you are."

The Jedi General lowered his head, appreciating the logic of the task. "I understand. We'll get started right away..."

The black man who attacked Izuku spoke up. "Due to the rumors that a jedi might be involved, you are to keep your findings to yourself, and report directly to us. Understood?"
While it was clear he didn't want to, Anakin had no choice in the matter. They didn't want to involve the trained investigators of the Republic... and it was clear why. "Yes, Master Windu."

Windu... I'll keep an eye on that one. However, it was then that Windu himself noticed her. "What are you doing here? This is a Jedi affair." It was clear he did not want her here, and his voice was sharp with suspicion. Especially since she could use all aspects of the Force, not just the light.

Hizoshi stiffened and stood taller, in order to be more respectful. With a clear voice, courtesy of her mask, support gear known as persona chords, she was able to make it so that everyone could hear what she said perfectly. "I came to offer my assistance, in any way necessary. A... metaphorical olive branch to try to repair our... kinda bad introduction. I am trained in force healing and have a way with mental reading." Many of the Jedi nodded, accepting her, but one distinctly did not.

Mace Windu was less than impressed. "Your offer is appreciated, but unnecessary, civilian." However, before he could continue, the small being, Yoda, intervened. "Assistance, you can give. An unbiased outlook, perhaps?"

She nodded, eager to at least help with the healing. "I don't harbor the same views as my master. I admit he is more... jaded... by personal experience than I am."

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