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Six years had came and went and the days seemed to no longer matter as Wesley leaned against her oversized jeep. The wind howled and nipped at the skin of her cheeks, Wesley tugging her scarf higher up on her face. It was freezing in West minister, she was waiting for the release of Miles Prower aka Baby. When she had called and referred to him as baby they weren't entirely confused on who she was referring to seeing that Baby held a reputation while still behind bars. Six years was a very long time without someone. Her heart ached in ways she didn't think was possible, it beat differently when he was away.

Smalls had finally gotten outta her wallow party after maybe a year into her own imprisonment, punished by her own guilt and pity for how things ended up. She had went to school for business management, and security services—she was the reason banks weren't getting robbed anymore. No one knew the extra experience she had, and she'd like to keep it that way. She had a nice flat back in New York, worked during the week off during the weekends. It was pretty stable and nice than the life she lived before. She felt like everything was a fever dream. Joe had passed away while Baby was locked up and she was dreading telling him the news but she made sure sending him away was memorable and that he wasn't alone in his final days. She owed him that much and more, he had taken care of them both growing up and she couldn't help but see him as her own father.

There was so much hidden money is Joe's apartment from ALL the heists they had done growing up she would have to make a savings for Baby when she got a chance. The sound of buzzing gates pulled her from her thoughts, her eyes moving from the snowy ground to the crunch that came from approaching feet. She smiled seeing an inmate slink past her car to a family waiting nearby, seems like Baby wasn't the only one let off. Her eyes scanned the few inmates making their way through the gate, they reveled in the arms of the people they loved. Smalls finally moved from her car seeing Baby was no where to be seen leaving, confusion on her face. Had they given her the wrong release date, the wrong time, wrong everything?! Anxiety started creeping up on her as she made her way to the closing gate, the officer raising a brow as she knocked on the booth window.

"Can I help you?" He grumbled, smalls quickly nodded as her chest began to tighten. "I'm looking for Bab- Miles Prower I was told he was supposed to be released today, on good behavior. He hasn't come out with everyone else, I just want to make sure I was given the right information." She told him as she tried to take calming breaths. He eyed her closely before looking down at the sheets on his desk, Small leaning over the counter slightly to squint at the papers. The man shifted his arm and looked up at her blocking the papers. "Ma'am if you would please." He said motioning her to move back. "I'm sorry." Smalls said quickly rocking back onto her feet, her fingers drumming on the counter as the man seemed to take his whole life looking for a simple name.

"Alright it seems as though, he was instead released're just at the wrong gate. He's on the east side, you got about thirty minutes before they release the inmates. I can give you the directions—"

Smalls was gone as he looked, running back to her car. She knew something wasn't right, and here she was about to spiral because she thought he was being held longer than told. She didn't think she could handle another day without him. Smalls didn't need directions to the east gate she knew where it was, she had driven around the whole prison a million times looking for the gate she had been waiting at when only to find out it's not even right. Smalls sighed as she finally parked near the east gate, far more cars at this gate then the other and many more guards on duty.

This time she waited in her car, the heat blasting as she shivered from the cold. She turned on the radio to drown out her thoughts as she scrolled through her phone, trying to pass the time. But she couldn't help but scan the gate every few minutes.

Thirty minutes felt like an eternity, but when she heard the loud buzz of the gate she was out the car immediately. Her feet staggering slightly in the slippery snow. Her hands shaking either from the cold or the adrenaline that coursed through her as inmate after inmate passed her. As the crowd dwindled she began to lose hope again, afraid that she was fed the wrong information yet again.

But than she saw him, and everything felt right again. He didn't seem to recognize her, she was adorned in a heavy work jacket, scarf and a hat most of her features obscured by the scarf. Her voice seemed stuck in her throat as he drew through crowd, avoiding the clumps of reunited people. He must have thought no one came for him as he adjusted his bag of clothes and items, his sunglasses hiding his eyes as he pushed further through the crowd past Smalls.

It took a moment for Smalls to come from her shock, her body turning to catch him. "Baby!" She yelled through the crowd, evading the elated patrons. He didn't seem to hear her..did he seriously have headphones in right now? Smalls quickly grabbed his arm as she caught up with him, Baby turning with a  start immediately taking out an earbud. Smalls smiled weakly as she looked at him, her hands trembling as she pushed his sunglasses to his head so they could get a good look at each other. "Hi." She said her eyes watering as she took him in all over again. He seemed stunned to see her before him, his eyes drifting away for a moment. "You're here?" He asked finally. Smalls laughed as she nodded. "Where else would I be? You thought I'd leave you? Never. Me and you always." She told as she rested her hands on his face. "I'm here." She confirmed before he pulled her tightly against him.

Smiles buried her head into his shoulder as she squeezed him even tighter. "I missed you so much." She told him after a moment before pulling away to look at him making sure she indeed had the right person before her. Smalls pouted softly seeing tears on his cheeks, her thumb quickly wiping them away. "Wanna get out of here?" She asked taking his hand, he nodded softly. Smalls took him back to the truck before climbing inside, thankfully the heat still going.

"Are you alright?" Smalls asked peeking at him. "Yeah come here." He said collecting her face before kissing her tenderly. Smalls sighed in content leaning further over the middle console to be closer to him and deepen the kiss. "I've thought about you everyday for the last six years..I thought you moved on. Found some new guy, finally settled down." He said pushing a strand of her long brown hair behind her shoulder lovingly. "You're insane thinking that, I only ever wanted you. There's no one else I'd rather go through hell and back for than you. You're my number one always." She told him as she pressed her forehead against his own smiling. "I love you." He muttered with a small smile. "And I you." She said kissing him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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