Last Time: She dies

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Smalls and Baby went back home and the next morning Doc was there to the pick them up. Smalls didn't have a good feeling about this. "Baby..I don't have a good feeling about this." She said as she stopped him before they got into the meeting room.

Baby narrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asked softly. Smalls was freaking out, he couldn't tell. "I don't like this." She said shaking her head.

"We shouldn't do this one. We can just leave, just us. Baby please." She begged. Baby sighed closing his eyes. "Smalls we gotta do this. Or we're both dead." He said before walking to the room.

Smalls was taken back. What the hell! She sighed and shook out the feeling and walked into the room shoving past baby and sitting at the table. "Hey Baby, hey Smalls." Darling said as Buddy waved to them.

Smalls looked at them. "Hey." She said shrugging. Baby sat behind the sewing machine. "The kids are back." Bats said causing Smalls to roll her eyes. "Nice to see you too Bats." Smalls mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Alright enough chit chat. This is the plan." Doc began. Smalls completely zoned out throughout the whole thing. She didn't hear a word Doc had said and he noticed.

"Smalls!" Doc snapped and slammed his hand on the table causing her to jump and look at him. "Yeah Doc?" Smalls said nervously laughing. "You staying here with me." He said. "Wait what?" She said the last few times she went with them. Why can't she go this time?

"You're staying here with me while they all go. And actually you all are staying the night here." Doc said and began to pack up. Smalls sighed and shook her head.

Everyone got a cot or a chair. Bats sat in the chair and Buddy along with Darling got a cot. Smalls laid on the small couch that was there and was fast asleep.

Smalls woke up when she was grabbed and dragged over to the table by Bats. "Hey let me go!" Smalls yelled still half asleep and confused. "Shut up." He said as he pushed her into a chair.

Smalls looked around and saw Baby, Darling, Buddy, Bats, and Doc. She saw Baby's cassettes. She sighed and looked at Doc, then Baby. "What is happening?" Smalls asked yawning softly.

"You a cop?" Bats asked Baby. Is that what this is about? Baby's tapes are just music. Doc roughly grabbed the back of Smalls head, causing her to wince. "You talk and I won't bash her head into this table." Doc warned.

Smalls looked from Doc to Baby again. Baby opened his mouth and Doc slammed Smalls head into the table causing her to groan. Baby stepped forward but Buddy stopped him. Smalls held her head. "Jesus Doc, I think you broke my nose." She said softly.

Baby had cringed when he saw what Doc did to Smalls, it pained his heart to see that happen to her. "It's just music. Little bits of conversations that I make into music." Baby said quickly looking at Smalls who held her bleeding nose.

"You're lying!" Doc yelled and went to slam her head again. "Wait! Wait! It's true!" She said sniffling up the blood, but she spit it out to the ground. "I'll play one." She said grabbing one. She showed baby which one before he nodded and she put it in.

It played and it sure was music. Darling laughed. "Wow, this kid is really nuts." She said. Doc placed a gun to Smalls head, and she felt her heart stop. Smalls froze.

"Tomorrow you'll follow through with this plan and bring me the money after, if anything goes wrong and I mean anything I will blow her brains out and make sure you're here to watch." Doc said staring Baby down. Baby quickly nodded. "Okay, okay. I'll do it." He said nodding.

Everyone was quiet and Smalls had even stopped breathing for a second. "Great. Everyone get some sleep." Doc said roughly letting Smalls go. And he left. Baby ran over to Smalls, who was still frozen. He kneeled down to her level.

"Smalls, hey. Look at me." He said softly turning her head to look at him. Bats had walked away laughing, Buddy had motioned Darling to come but still watched them. Smalls let out a shaky breath, and tears swelled in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Baby said hugging her tight. Smalls buried her face into his shoulder letting out a small sob. "You could of gotten me killed you idiot." Smalls said shaking her head. Baby kissed her head. "I know. There a first time for everything right?" He questioned trying to lighten the mood.

Smalls pulled away and looked at him with a small laugh. "No, not dying at least." She said as he wiped her tears. "I'm really sorry." He said looking into her puffy red eyes. "Yeah I know." She said pushing him away from her.

Her nose had stopped bleeding and she went to lay back down on the couch where baby sat at the other end. "You forgive me right?" Baby asked quietly. They were away from the other in a small separate room.

"Yeah I do." She said shrugging as she sat up and looked at him. Baby grabbed her hand and pulled her to where he was and she leaned back against the arm rest looking up at him.

"You know you don't have to do this right?" Smalls said tilting her head as she grabbed his hand. "Yes I do. He'll kill you." Baby said kissing her hand. "But-" Smalls began.

"But nothing, I won't let him take you away from me. I can't do this with out you. I need you Wesley I really do." Baby said looking down at her. "I love you." He said causing her heart to flutter.

She looked at him and smiled. "I love you too Baby." She said before leaning up and kissing him gently.

Baby thought to himself. Last time, she dies.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now