Bo's Diner

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Smalls sat down in their booth. Baby went over to the counter top and pulled out one of his earbuds and began talking to Debby. Smalls pulled out her notebook that was stuffed into her jacket pocket.

Smalls began to sketch Baby. He seen some of her drawings but none of them where of him. Smalls heard Debby and Baby laughing. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Debby was gorgeous, quirky, and Fun. Everything Smalls wasn't.

Smalls noticed Baby glance at her every now and again

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Smalls noticed Baby glance at her every now and again. Smalls would look away or pretend she didn't notice but they both knew she did. Baby looked at Debby and smiled but quietly excusing himself.

Baby walked over just as she finished the drawing, she scribbled her name and the date at the bottom before closing it. Baby stopped her and grabbed the edge of the note book.

Smalls let it go so he could see the drawing. He smiled not a smirk, a smile. He also didn't have his ear buds in, normally he did. That was weird.

"Maybe next time I'll be the one drawing you from a distance." Baby said looking at her. Smalls blushed and turned her head away. Baby laughed softly, he reached over turning her head back toward him.

Baby never liked when Smalls hid her face, she did it when she blushed, was embarrassed, or she was upset. If you look close enough you could see a faint scar on her jawline.

Baby pushed some strands of hair out of her face. Baby grabbed Smalls hand in his and pulled her out of the booth. Where are we about to go Baby? Smalls thought as Baby guided her to the car.

What was about to happen to her? Was Baby finally getting rid of me? Smalls pondered as she got into the car with him. He never put his earbuds in the whole ride and Smalls couldn't imagine why he didn't.

"Baby. What's gotten into you love?" She questioned looking over at him. She called him love on rare occasions, this was a rare occasion. Baby didn't say anything, he just drove.


Baby drove for what seemed like hours. Smalls becoming impatient, he noticed by the way her eyes fluttered as they passed each sign. Or how her foot tapped the car floor twice, like she was making a beat.

Baby pulled into a field on the side of the road, he turned the car off. Baby got out and Smalls followed suit. Baby came up behind her covering her eyes. Smalls groaned. "Baby, come on now." She said smiling slightly.

"Shh, I just want you to listen." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist gently. His hand still covered her eyes. Smalls relaxed and listened. There was nothing, she didn't hear anything. "I don't hear anything." She whispered shaking her head. Baby smiled at this.

"Me either, I can't hear the ringing.." he spoke letting her go. Smalls turned to him and looked up to meet his gaze. "What do you mean?" Smalls asked her eyebrows furrowed.

"When i'm with you, the ringing stops. My tinnitus isn't there anymore. You're my music." Baby said grabbing her hand. Smalls heart throbbed, was this actually happening?

Baby is telling you how he really feels. Smalls don't mess this up. You got this in the bag. She thought to herself as a small smile crept onto her face.

"Smalls, you're the best thing that's happened to me. And I can't lose that. I'm glad you took from Doc and got caught. Because if you didn't, I wouldn't have such an amazing girl standing in front of me right now. And when we're done.." Baby explained not taking his eyes away from hers. Baby was actually spilling how he felt about her, he kept it hidden for so long.

"That when we're done, it's going to be me you, the road, your music, and my singing. We are going to drive until you can't drive anymore, or until we run out of gas. Then we'll walk the rest of the way." Smalls said finishing for him as she smiled. She bit her lip laughing softly. Baby smiled nodding. Smalls grabbed his other hand stepping closer to him.

"So what does mean for us?" She asked looking up at him. He smirked wrapping her arms around his neck and he rested his hands on her hips, he looked down into her light hazel eyes.

"Smalls and Baby are in business." He said chuckling as Smalls shook her head giggling quietly. "We sure are Baby." She said nodding.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now