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At this time I regret why was I even born. I felt lost in a void of illusions as if it is a nightmare, but unfortunately it was not. I questioned my own existence, as fate was playing dirty with me. I could not run from myself nor my duties. It's as if I was stuck in a coffin six feet down the ground, feeling suffocated and helpless. As no one can hear me banging and yelling, calling out for help. But no one cared, as I was in a mess, In a deep pit. In a void. 

For the first time, I felt helpless. I wished I could control time. I wished that I never came here, I wished I was never born. 

Why was I even born? It's not like I ever had a normal childhood, I was never happy. Then why should I suffer like this? And if I had to suffer, why would god make me happy by bringing Zhao in my life and then taking him away.

Suddenly, Mr. Yang walked in with Mei and Mrs. Ling by his side. Like, can't I even sulk at peace.

Mr. Yang gave me a stern look and yelled
"How can you be so selfish?"

"Father, What are you talking about" said I.

"When Mei wanted a pearl clip from you because she liked it, why did you slap her."

I really don't want to deal her right now, but I want to end this right now, right here.

"Father, I didn't give it to her, as it would be a disrespect to the imperial family for giving away my gifts of betrothal."

"Then, why did you slap her??"

"Well, I didn't."

He pulled Mei in front, who had a bruise of a slap on her face.

"Then who did this??"

"I don't know, Father."


He raised his arm to slap me as a stopped him. I held his wrist tight, inches away from my face.

"Did you see me do it?? Then how can you accuse me without evidence?"
"How can you accuse Mom? Did you have any proof, did you have any evidence?"


"No, then why? General Fu Yang, who is known for his righteous character. The wings of justice. Have you ever questioned yourself before pointing other's mistake out."

"Xue, apologise to your father.Now. And do you have no concern that your mother killed my child after the day he was born. Rather than feeling pity, you are arguing with your father."

"Did you see her kill your child??Did you? And if you did, why didn't you stop her."

"W..Well, it's obvious she killed him. When we reached ther---"

"Did you call everyone that my Mom killed your son and when you entered your child was dead wasn't he."

"Yes.And your mother was standing near the cradle."

"Did you go there before calling everyone."

"No. She was the one who killed him."


Mrs. Lang fell on her knees while everyone in the room looked at her with a blank expression.

Mei trembled and came forward.

"You killed my brother?Ma, did you kill him?"


Mei sat down and shook her mother rigorously.She couldn't believe that she had been living with a murderer for so long.She felt pale and puked at the spot, thinking about the incident. Who could have thought that her own mother can kill someone.

"Darling!! Don't believe them. They are lying"

She clenched on Mr.Yang and begged, saying that she is not guilty.

I stormed off as it was their problem, not mine.

That day, a big fight began. Mei was in disbelief, while Father was in disgust. 
Soon after Mrs.Ling was sent off to prison forever, whereas Mei isolated herself. 

After that day a letter came from Mrs. Yang thanking me for what I have, done. I prepared for the worst. As I knew, it was the beginning of something, that even I didn't know.  

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