Chapter 9 part one - manacle

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Disclaimer: I own none of the original characters nor plot of Blue Lock.

Warnings: cursing, lethally embarrassing mothers.





R-EWF, uzu i-sa, ErlanggSIOC, 102602, Hanasaku22, OliviaStone, Nilenium, Darth Traya, Isagi loves thighs, AnythingForGiorno, Sp8cefluff, Thisisaguiltypleasure, Schizosagi, finavilatwis

Thank you all for powering me through this chapter. Detailed responses below : )

(Also, for those who haven't seen it already, new image posted for chapter 4 part 1, Reina & Nagi!)




chapter 9 part one – manacle


Something scratches his nose. 'Urgh, annoying.'

Yoichi blearily blinks open his eyes, and easily spots the culprit: a messy-haired hurricane resting on his chest. He lifts his head up slightly, and a lazy smile tugs at his lips when he hears her let out a sleepy little snort in protest. 'Cute.'

The striker raises his hand, the one that had drifted from her thigh to her waist sometime last night, and brushes down a wayward curl. The action causes her to stir, and he keeps his hand just beneath her jawline. "Morning genius," he whispers in a voice thick with sleep. "Time to wake up."

"No, s'early," she mumbles sleepily as she burrows her face further into his chest, rejecting the hour. "M'tired. G'night."

He huffs out half a laugh, mouth curving into a fond smirk. He wants to thread his fingers through her hair, but isn't sure his hand will survive the chaotic strands, so instead he moves to stroke the top of her head. He feels her exhale deeply and relax further into his arms. "Fine," he breathes out, not entirely put off by the idea. "But just for a bit longer." He tightens his grip on her and lowers his face back into her hair. He's just about to close his eyes once more, but then:

"Ohhh, that was just the MOST adorable thing I have EVER seen!"

Dread instantly fills his stomach. 'God no.' But this time his mom's voice isn't in his head, because he feels Reina tense at the words too. The striker redirects his gaze with a sinking feeling. To his immediate horror and fury, he finds his mom sitting on the other couch, with her phone out and pointing at them.

"Are you seriously taking photos right now!?" he hisses out, over Reina's head, instinctively keeping the girl's face pressed into his shoulder.

"Of course not, silly." His mom grins evilly from behind the device. "I'm filming."

"Kaasan!" He yells, reflexively holding Reina even closer, as if to protect her from the camera. "What the hell?! Are you insane?!"

The woman shrugs, finally putting her phone away. "Now, now. Don't be so grumpy, Yocchan. I just had to preserve the cuteness! No choice in the matter, actually." She places a palm over her chest in faux patriotism. "It's my utmost duty to document these moments... so that I can show them to my darling grandchildren when they ask how their parents met!"

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