chapter two

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Amity Pov:

My life is over. I have officially screwed up.

From revealing the fact that I speak fluent Italian, to sassing back to my older, adult brother, I'd say that it's safe to say that I have practically signed my death certificate.

"Per favore, fratello," I begin to beg. Please, brother.

"Nessuna amicizia. Tu appartieni a noi, non tua madre psicotica." He replies leaving no room for my pitiful arguments. No Amity. You belong with us, not your psychotic mother.

I run back towards my desk, scooping up my cracked and unfunctional iPhone 7 plus. The only thing it needs to do is call and message people. Very quickly, I dial my mom's phone number with my fingers fumbling. I press the phone to my ear, listening to the ringtone. It calms my nerves slightly.

She picks up after the second ring, her voice sounding almost expectant.

"Hey darling, is there a reason you're calling," she says, chirpily.

"He's here." Is all I whisper.

My two words are all it takes for my mum to go into action.

"Hand him the phone." She says, her voice is no longer cheerful and is now cold and monotone.

I shakily walk back towards my brother, whose lips are pressed into a thin line, amusement dancing behind his eyes. My dainty fingers touch his for less than a second, but it is enough for me to flinch back.

My phone would have dropped to the ground in the process, but Marco's extremely fast reflexes catch it, securing my old phone in his hand. He presses the phone to his ear and seems to be listening to my mother's long and annoying rant.

I'd feel sorry for him, but I know that he deserves it. After all, he is a very bad man.

"L'avremo indietro." Marco says, venom spitting from his voice. We will have her back. "No, non mi interessa cosa puoi fare e nemmeno mio padre." No, I do not care what you can do and nor does my father.

Marco violently pushes the phone onto the nearest desk, finally alerting Miss. Roseworn to his presence.

"Umm... excuse me, young man, I don't believe I've ever seen you in my class." She says, no longer annoyed, "you are far more attractive than any of the students in this class. Maybe we could meet at lunchtime, and have a little chat... or we could do something more."

My older brother looks at me dumbfounded as two more sets of footsteps echo through the hallway. At the door now at a set of twins, both of who look very professional. Xander and Xavier. They are the youngest sons of the family. Xavier is eleven and a half seconds older than Xander.

Wide smirks rise on their faces once they make eye contact with me.

"Beh, se non è la mia sorella preferita," Xavier says... Or was it Xander. I don't know and I really don't care. Well if it isn't my favourite sister.

I refuse to acknowledge them, crossing my arms and huffing loudly. I feel a person hovering behind me, and turn my head slightly to examine them. Elijah protectively pulls his arm around my waist, pulling my body back towards him. My hand flies to his chest, thinking that my body is falling.

A small blush rises on my cheeks as I realise that my fingers are curled upon his toned abs.

"Let her go, you perv," Marco all but growls, his voice getting dangerously low.

"I don't think I'm the perv if you're the one who trots their tiny ass into this class, only to look intently at this beautiful girl," Elijah says cockily, running his hand up and down my back, trying to comfort me.

One of the twins step forward, trying to intimidate the younger boy into submitting. Instead of doing this, Elijah walks forward, their faces now an inch apart. They almost look gay. Except for the fact that Xavier or Xander's face seems disgusted.

"Now, boys, I sure am turned on by a dominate male, but how about you three and I take it outside, maybe all four of us can have some fun," Miss. Roseworn's British voice interrupts.

Several of the students are laughing, finding her comment very funny, but a frown makes its way onto my face. How inappropriate of her.

"Amity, come here, we're leaving, I'm not going to put up with this fucked up school, and a whore of a teacher. You'll be fired," Marco says, pointing his tanned finger at Miss. Roseworn.

Her face is full of shock, but she quickly recovers when yet another figure enters through the classroom door.

There stands my mother, her black short dress defines her body shape well, making her seem a lot younger than fifty-two years old. A wide smile is on her face as she sees four of her children standing in a room together, along with a boy holding me. She's always wanted me to get a boyfriend.

"Amity," my mother says, not looking at me, but instead holding eye contact with Marco.

I walk very fast over to her, loving as she takes my hand.

"Boys, it has been a very long time," she says, her eyes surveying each of her sons carefully as if searching for something on them.

"Not long enough," one of the twins grumble, pulling out a small, black handgun.

I gasp in shock and surprise as my mother pushes me behind her.

"Oh, now I do love a little bit of drama. This makes me feel like I'm on Goggle Box.. Ohhh, or maybe Love island. I do really enjoy that show." My history teacher fights loudly with herself.

"No need to get all worked up, Amity doesn't know, and it is going to stay that way." My mother demands, disregarding Miss. Roseworn's comment, completely.

"Oh mother, I intend to keep it that way. We all do, but if you refuse to move out of the way, then maybe my little sister, might have to know," the twin holding the gun, cocks his head to the side, he seems to be insane.

After all, who owns a gun. We live in Australia for crying out loud, not fucking America. You can't even own a gun without a gun license and I highly doubt that anyone who is considered responsible enough to own one, would be pointing it, in a high school towards his mother.

"Xander, calm down," yet another voice comes from the door.

It belongs to an older man. His mostly brown hair is peppered with grey. He shares a lot of features with me.

This must be my father...

A/N: This is a super normal chapter length - about 1100 words, but I think it's such an important start. Please share your opinions about it, and correct any incorrect grammar/ spelling/ etc in the comments. Also, it would make my day if you could vote, comment, and keep reading when I release chapter one tomorrow- or maybe sooner depending on how many people read. I hope you all have a wonderful day, I'll see you when I see you <3

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