chapter twenty eight

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The drive to Elijah's house is silent. Although I know that I am safe for now, a small voice in the back of my head tells me that I will never be safe. That my insane family will chase after me forever. After twenty minutes of driving, we arrive at a grand home, and my mouth opens in awe.

"Your house is lovely, Eli," I compliment, offering the boy sitting next to me a small smile.

"Thank you, cutie. When we get to my room, we will watch movies, and eat popcorn all night, and you can cry if you want, or tell me your problems, and then we will fall asleep together. Does that sound like a plan?" Elijah gushes, practically bouncing in the driver's seat.

I nod my head enthusiastically, already excited to spend the night with Elijah.

"I just have to warn you, Ami. My mom and dad will be home, and are probably very excited to meet you, since, you know, I talk about you a lot." Elijah scratches the back of his neck, probably feeling very awkward about this topic.

"Oh, no. That is fine, I would love to meet your parents. They already sound like incredible people." I comment lightly.

My sentence is true. I would love to meet Elijah's parents. But I am a little bit worried that they will judge me for running away from my family. I brush the thought away, knowing that it will be more than fine. I was so stuck in my thoughts, that I didn't notice Elijah leave the car and open the door for me. I give him a small thank you, before gracefully pulling myself out of the vehicle.

As we get to the front doors, I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what I am sure is about to come. A lot of questions, movies, tears, popcorn, but best of all, Elijah. Shoving his set of keys into the door, Eli gestures for me to enter the house. He gives me a reassuring smile before following after.

"Mutter Vater. Wir sind zu Hause!" Elijah shouts. I frown at his statement, though. That language wasn't Italian, and it certainly wasn't English. I didn't know that he spoke another language. Mum, Dad. We are home.

The loud shuffling of feet can be heard, rushing down a set of stairs. Then another set of feet. Soon enough, I am looking at two middle-aged people. They share many of Elijah's features, and it dazzles me, how similar three people can look.

"Mein Sohn. Ich nehme an, dass dies das Mädchen ist, von dem Sie mir erzählt haben. Gott, du hast dieser Schönheit nicht genug Anerkennung gezollt. Sie ist umwerfend." The woman lightly hits Elijah, a large smile plastered to her slightly wrinkly face. My son. I am presuming that this is the girl you were telling me about. God, you didn't give this beauty enough credit. She is gorgeous.

I furrow my eyebrows. What did she just say? I think that she just called me a cow, and then smiled about it, but I am not sure.

"What language are you guys speaking?" I whisper to Eli, quietly, and he responds with one simple word. 'German.'

"Hi," I tell them softly, hoping that they speak English. Either that or I have just embarrassed myself. "I am Amity. I just wanted to say, that I will be out of your hair very soon. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't know what to do, and Elijah is the person I am closest to."

I fidget with my fingers for a second. No one responded to my statement. Maybe they don't speak English. I bring my gaze back up, only to see the couple smiling gently at me. That was not the reaction I expected.

"You can stay as long as you want. We are definitely not going to rush you. Our family knows of your... situation." I grimace at the father's choice of words. "And we are more than understanding. All of us are willing to protect you."

My eyes widen at his words. Protect me? I don't want them to go out of their way just for me, that would be selfish, and I have already been selfish enough in the past month.

The older couple, along with Elijah laugh at my response. I don't know why. "Why don't you two go to Elijah's room. It is late, and I know that you have had a big day, Amity."

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Mrs. Jones. You too, Mr. Jones." They both hug me, which I was surprised by, but nevertheless, accepted gratefully.

Eli takes my hand gently and leads me up to what is probably his room.

"Before you ask, I already asked someone to get us a lot of popcorn," Elijah says sneakily.

I would have done it by myself, but I don't fight the boy standing next to me, on it. I nod my head and give Eli a mischievous smile.

He opens the door to one room, and I can't believe that he sleeps here.

I jump onto his bed, pulling the covers over my cold body. He chuckles at my antics, and flicks the 60-inch television screen on, before retreating into his closet. A minute later, Elijah returns with a pair of his sweatpants, as well as one of his hoodies.

He is wrapped in just one pair of sweatpants, and I can't help but look at the view in front of me. Elijah's shirtless stomach is on display, and I am sure that he works out. His biceps are bulging and his arms are veiny. But not too veiny. A solid six-pack is evident across his stomach, but it is not too defined, just the perfect amount of definition.

"You have some drool." He points to his chin. "Right there."

I push my hand to the spot on my face, and luckily no drool falls upon my ready fingers. I mutter a small 'I hate you,' but grab the hoodie and sweatpants from Elijah and ask for him to turn around.

When I am sure that he isn't peeking, I strip and quickly place the clothing items on my freezing body. Is this what it feels like to have hypothermia? Because it stings like a bitch. I place myself under the bed's covers again, and adjust one pillow, so I have a solid backrest.

"What movie?" Elijah asks, from near the television. "We have Mulan, Up, IT, Back To The Future, and 365 Days."

I already know what movie he wants me to pick, so I say '365 Days' in a small voice. To be honest, I have never watched a porn movie before, but have heard a lot about them. I don't really know what to expect.

Eli settles himself on the bed with me, starting the movie. He wraps his right arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. Even though it is freezing cold, and he isn't wearing a shirt, Elijah's body gives me a new sense of warmth.

Then, a maid comes into the room, delivering our masses of popcorn. I thank her softly, while Elijah just snatches the food from her grasp. I snuggle further into his embrace, close to falling asleep, even though it is early.

However, when we reach the boat scene, I become wide awake, witnessing a five minute montage of sex. There is a lot of thrusting and topless actions. My innocent mind just tries to not think about it too much.

"I don't want to cry," I whisper to Elijah, completely out of context. I guess that I just felt like it.

"Then don't cry, cutie." Elijah responds in the same tone that I gave him.

"Does it make me a bad person for never wanting to see them again?"

"Not at all, Ami. Whatever you choose to do, I am right behind you."

Those are the words that I fall asleep to.

A/N: Hey guys!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7.2K, it means the world to me. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading when I upload again tomorrow. I love you all!!! Bye for now <<<<<<<<3333

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