chapter nine

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I hear the beeping of a heart machine, which increases as I begin to wake up. A clean smell invades my nostrils. Its stench smells a lot like a... hospital. I suddenly sit up, peeling my eyes open in a fast action.

I am in a hospital. I gasp for air as if I have been choked. Why am I here? In the process of sitting myself up, the IVs that had been inserted within my hand pulled themselves out, causing me to whimper loudly in pain.

Trying to stand up, I figure out that I am forced to the bed. A frown adorns my face as I look at the handcuffs, which hold both my hands close to the bed. One end secured around my wrist, the other on each side of the bed's railing.

Remembering everything that happened, I sigh, realising that I'm probably in deep shit. No, that's an understatement. I'll be lucky if I live to the end of the day. I'd like daisies on my grave, please.

My hospital room's door opens, to reveal my father and Stefano, who look both stressed and frustrated. Probably regarding me, and my troublesome personality.

Well, what can I say I'm a Gregor. And no, I'm not going to say that I'm a Romano because I'm not.

"Doloce, you're awake. Good, we have a lot to discuss." My father says, no emotion in his voice. Sweet.

I nod my head, too tired to muster up any words, even though I have just woken up from what was probably a very long sleep.

"Ami, what you did was extremely reckless, and not only did you risk your life, but you risked your brothers' life. I hate to say it, but you, Amity Scarlett Romano are on full lockdown." My father continues, his face is stoic.

"But it is not fair..." My lip quivers as I say this.

"What's not fair, zucchero?" Stefano asks gently, kneeling down near my bed. Sugar.

"It's not fair that I didn't have a choice. You took me from my country and threatened my mum. Our mum. I just want my old life back. One where we were all a big happy family." A small sniffle comes from my nose.

"Doloce, we are sorry that we had to force you to come with us, but we knew that you would not come if we gave you a choice. Do you understand?" My father says. Sweet.

I nod my head again, not having the energy to counter his strong and undeniably true statement.

"Good." He has a small smirk lining his lips, knowing that I agree with him. "You were very stupid to jump off a fucking building. And that you walked into an abandoned housing trust. There could have been a druggie in there. You should think about your actions before you do them. I hope that the week of lockdown you have will help you reflect on what you did."

"Yes, d-" I respond keeping eye contact with him, nearly slipping up and saying the DD-word Dad.

"Finish that sentence, Ami," he says, demandingly.

I shake my head, focusing my attention towards my lap, which suddenly seems to be very interesting.

"Now, zucchero, on to your injuries," Stefano says, standing from his position on the floor that was next to me, "you sprained your back, quite badly, may I add. But considering the outcome that could have happened, you should consider yourself very lucky. You broke the big toe on your right foot, That happened in three different places. Then, on your left foot, your middle toe is dislocated, while your second smallest toe, also on your left foot broke in one place. You will be fine. I presume that you'll be able to walk again in one week, but until then, you'll have to lay off doing anything active. Okay, Ami," Sugar.

"Okay, when do I get to go home?" I ask, bringing my eyes up to meet his.

"Patience, please. I was getting to that." Stefano answers with mock authority. "You'll be able to come home straight away, but once we get home, you're going to have to face Xavier and Xander. To say the least, they're furious. Otherwise, they'd be here with us."

"Are we able to discharge ourselves without a nurse's approval?" I question my father and older brother, tilting my head to the side.

"Yes, doloce, we own this hospital we can just walk in and out of here when we feel like it," my father answers.

"So, that's how we were always rich. You own hospitals. But mom told me that you guys owned things like casinos and shares in a bunch of big businesses." I stick my bottom lip out, in a pout, wanting to hear their responses.

"Yes, Ami. We own all of those sorts of things. After all, it is just business." Stefano says. His voice is calm, but I swear that a bead of sweat is on his forehead. It's not even hot. Maybe my older brother was just working out at the gym.

"We should just leave. I'm sure that you'd rather not be here," my father says. "Would you rather Stefano carry you, or would you like to be in a wheelchair."

I wordlessly point at Stefano, silently indicating that I want him to hold me until we get to the car.

"Okay, zucchero, you know I'm going to be careful. Well, I am a doctor, so I'm sort of a pro at this shit."

My third oldest brother uncuffs my wrist from the bed, slowly bringing my body into his arms. I'm comfortable in this position, so I pull myself closer to him, resting my head on his chest.

"You know we missed you, Ami," my father says, walking in front of us, directing the three Romano's where to go.

The smell of fresh hair hits me like a bus. It's like I've never been outside, however in the short time I have, I let my body bask in the outdoors.

It's all I'll get in a long time.

A/N: Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. Please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading when I update again tomorrow. I love you all so much. Bye <<<<3

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