chapter eleven

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My father and brothers were quick to pick up on the fact that I wasn't going to tell them anything. They decided to just start my punishment, instead of badgering me about something I wasn't going to say.

They kept saying things along the lines of, 'we'll find out soon anyway,' and 'it would be better if you just told us now. Save you the hassle later.' But I didn't crack under their words nor their not-so-kind threats towards my mother.

"So, Ami, as you already know, I've decided on a punishment that fits the crime. If you thought it was okay to roam around an unfamiliar city and attempt to escape, without being detected, then you are horribly wrong. You seem to love your freedom, so I'll be taking that away. I don't care if you think I'm being a bad father, you knew the rules, and you decided to disobey them anyway," My dad says, looking at me and staring into my soul. "You're going to be on degree five of our family lockdown. It is the most severe, but you need to learn some way. Two guards will follow you at all times, even though you're only allowed in the house. You are not permitted to leave the walls that stand around us, right now. No going in the yard, and most of the time, you will be with me, Alexander or Alec, as we sit through meetings at home. During these meetings, you are not allowed to talk. You will not have your phone throughout the entire week and will stay close to one of us at all times. Each night, one of your brothers will sleep with you, while four guards are posted outside your bedroom door. Do you understand?"

My mouth drops open in shock by the end of my father's speech. This man expects me to be okay with this? He kidnapped me and now punishes me for wanting my freedom. This is not happening. Stefano chuckles at my silent response, brushing some of my hair away from my face.

"I don't understand." My mouth feels dry as I say this.

"It is fine, you'll catch on really quick, dolce," my father says, his voice now soft instead of menacing. Sweet.

I just nod my head, not trusting that my voice is reliable.

"I want verbal answers, please Ami." My dad requests, authority spilling from his voice.

"I understand the terms and conditions that you have put in place." My words come out sarcastically, even though they weren't to.

"Drop the attitude, Amity, I'm really not in the mood today." He waves his hand dismissively. "You're free to leave."

Did he just tell me to leave, while we were having a conversation? This man had the audacity to do what?! Screw him.

Stefano sighs, bringing me into his comfortable grip. He carries me up the stairs towards my bedroom, and away from my disgusting father and brothers.

"I'll stay with you first, zucchero. The guards will stand inside the room, but just ignore them, they won't do anything. They're just watching." My older brother reassures me. Sugar.

He places me softly on my bed, sitting beside me, as the two guards situate themselves inside the room, standing right at the door.

"What do you want to do, Ami?" Stefano asks me.

"Um... I don't know. Play a game, maybe. Do you even own board games in this house?"

"Do we have- Uh, excuse me, piccola ragazza, who doesn't have board games in their house." My third oldest brother gives me an accusing pout, before scolding me, jokingly. Little girl.

"I didn't know they meant so much to you. I was just asking, no need to get your panties in a twist." I try to hold in my giggles, but they come out, anyway.

This results in Stefano gently throwing himself onto me, tickling my stomach, making my small giggles turn into full-on sobbing laughs.

"I love board games so much because they remind me of the times you and I would play." He explains, a small, sad smile plastered across his face. But he quickly turns back into his usual happy self, "how about I take you to our board game room, and you can choose one?"

I nod my head wildly, loving the idea of playing a game with my brother.

"I'll give you a piggyback ride, zucchero," Stefano says, crouching down in front of me. Sugar.

Very carefully, I clamber onto my big brother's back, securing my arms around his neck.

"To the game room please," I exclaimed, excited that I get to see this room full of games.

Stefano walks with me on his back. We travel up several flights of stairs, and around corners, I never went to when I was younger. But if I had to sum it up, I would say that the house looks exactly the same, except for the darker, more dooming theme. Well, maybe that was always there, and I just didn't notice because I was so young.

"When we enter in here, Ami, I need you to remember not to jump off my back. I know that it is cool in there, but if your back, or feet, or fuck, especially your ribs got injured on my watch. I'd never be able to forgive myself, ok."

I nod, and a smile spread across my face.

"Yep, I understand, can we please go inside now," I am practically bouncing with joy.

The two guards rush forwards, pushing open the heavy doors that lead to the game room. And when I say that I'm shocked, I would be lying. My feelings are beyond anything. It's beautiful.

"Please can you put me down," I beg Stefano, in a whiny, bratty voice.

"Nope. I'll set you down on one of the bar stools, and we'll play a game. How does that sound, Ami?"

"Good. Good. Did I mention good?" I squeal softly, having never been in a room, even closely resembling this.

Stefano chuckles, but nevertheless, puts me down on a bar stool, pushing it forward, so I'm sitting right in front of a pool table and a soccer table.

"Can we play with that one?" I ask my older brother, pointing one of my fingers in the direction of the soccer table.

"Sure, zucchero, but just know that I will smash you." A cocky smirk rises across Stefano's face, as he thinks he will beat me. He probably will.

"Hmmm... okay, we'll see," a tiny smile graces my lips, as I place my hand in front of me, wanting Stefano to shake it.

He does gripping it loosely and shaking on it.

"Whoever wins, gets to pick the movie tonight." It seemed like a fair deal, so I nodded my head, accepting the game.

Stefano holds the knobs, getting ready while shaking the wooden players. I do the same, only just realizing that I've never played soccer, nor have I ever watched it. In Australia, soccer isn't as big as AFL or something. Anyway, I'm not the sporty type, I'd much rather be in my room reading, or talking to my mum about how her life is going.


It's going to be one heck of a game.

A/Nl Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for 1.7k reads, and over 80 votes, it means the world to me. Please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I get another chapter out. Bye for now, but I hope to see you all tomorrow. Love you!!! Byeeeee <<<3 

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