chapter forty three

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In the end, I gave up the names, knowing that I should at least decide to cooperate, since my family had been nothing but nice, after my return. Well, except for locking me in my bedroom for a night.

My mother and father agreed on me going back to school today because I was complying with their requests- so far. I was ecstatic, jumping around the dining room for almost five minutes before Xander told me to shut up. But we could all see the tiny smile on his face.

Right now, I am sitting in the back of one of the white jeeps, twiddling my thumbs together, as a way to try and prevent anxiety. My method was working. Xavier sits next to me, hoping to soothe my nerves.

Marco and Xander talk in the front of the car, with Marco taking charge of the wheel. I see the school loom into sight, and can't help but gulp. Xavier notices this, and carefully brings his fingers over my arm, rubbing back and forth, wanting to get me to calm down.

When the car rolls to a stop, I open my door, waiting for all of the looks that are sure to come. As expected, they do, and I bring my eyes to my feet, feeling quite embarrassed. I mean, yeah, I am a bad bitch now, that knows how to handle a gun, but the first days are hard for anyone.

"Cosa stai guardando? Torna alla tua merda!" Xander shouts stepping out of the car, and raising one of his hands in the air, signaling for the students to go away. What are you looking at? Go back to your shit!

Everyone turns away quickly, pretending to talk to the person next to them.

"Posso andare ora?" I murmur under my breath, hoping that Xavier, Xander, or Marco hear my words. Can I go, now?

"Divertiti, tesoro. Non metterti nei guai, capito," Xavier says, giving my back a slight push as if to say 'you are free now.' Have fun, honey suckle. Don't get into too much trouble, got it.

I nod my head, before walking off, knowing that I have someone to meet. Someone I haven't seen since I left for Slovenia. Someone's life that I disappeared from, for my own personal wants.

Wandering the halls for several minutes, I finally find the person that I was looking for. My face lights up, and my pace becomes faster, as a desperate feeling falls on my chest. I have been gone for too long, he probably doesn't want to see me.

But I am happily surprised. Because when Theo spots me, he rushes over, using those long legs to his advantage. I stand only two feet in front of him, a hopeful smile on my face, and it seems that the feeling is mutual.

This is because Theo launches himself into my arms, making me stumble back in shock, never expecting him to do that. But I laugh loudly, wrapping my arms around his toned chest.

"Dove cazzo sei andato? Mi hai lasciato per mesi. Pensavo fossi morto, ma non c'era una fottuta tomba!" Theo shouts at me, stepping back from the hug to catch my reaction to his words. Where did you fucking go? You left me for months. I thought that you died, but there was no fucking grave.

I feel ashamed of myself, but don't want to say that, so instead, I cut it short, just explaining the brief idea.

"Ho scoperto cosa faceva la mia famiglia per vivere. È stato uno shock e sono scappato in Slovenia per un po'. lui lui lui lui." I try to awkwardly laugh it off, but I am met by Theo's stern and unhappy face. I found out what my family did for a living. It was a shock, and I ran away to Slovenia to a while. He he he he.

"Sono ancora arrabbiato con te, ma capisco perché l'hai fatto. E Elia? Dov'è?" Theo asks, and my face hardens at just the mention of this unspoken boy. He doesn't deserve my words. I am still mad at you, but I understand why you did it. What about Elijah? Where is he?

"Mi ha tradito con una malattia sessualmente trasmissibile ambulante, quindi l'ho lasciato in Slovenia." I give a fake cough, not enjoying having to talk about him. He cheated on me with a walking STD, so I left him in Slovenia.

"Mi dispiace tanto, Ami, non te lo meriti. Sei bella, gentile, premurosa e perfetta, se lo sta facendo, dovrebbe essere la sua perdita, non la tua." Theo runs his hand along my back repeatedly, reassuring me that I am too good for Elijah, just like any friend would. I am so sorry, Ami, you don't deserve that. You are beautiful, and kind, and caring, and perfect, if he is doing that, it should be his loss, not yours.

But what if I don't want to just be friends?

I make eye contact with Theo, running my tongue over my dry lips, hoping to moisturize them. Theo's gaze subtly flickers to them, before running down to my tits, and back up to my face. I give him an innocent smile, almost knowing what is to come.

"Ho il tuo permesso?" Theo asks in a mere whisper, leaning down to my height, so his breath fans my face. Do I have your permission?

"Permesso accordato," I reply in the same tone that Theo used, leaning towards him as well, to close the distance between us. Permission granted.

His soft lips slowly come in contact with mine, and I can't help but open my mouth and let out a small moan. This gives Theo access to my mouth, where his tongue begins to enter playing around each of my teeth, before leaving.

Theo deepens the kiss and holds his hands on my waist, while I entangle mine in his fluffy hair. Even though we are in the middle of the school hallway, I don't care, ignoring all of the other students, who are looking, and pointing, and whispering loudly, taking notice of Theo and me making out.

Slowly, after a minute we pull away and smile at each other.

"Spero di farlo di nuovo presto." I hope to do that again soon.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading and for 14.8k reads, it means the world to me!!!! If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and continue reading when I update again tomorrow night. I love you all so much, and hope that you remember to read again tomorrow night!!! Byeeee <<<<<3

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