chapter twenty one

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When no one answers the principal's question, my father steps in, looking at our principal, like he is dirt on the bottom of my father's neat shoe.

"Would you like to tell me why my daughter is here? She hasn't done anything wrong. It is only her second day at this school. I will not hesitate to fire you from your job, and have a nice little chat, at my warehouse, about your decisions against my youngest child." My father says, his voice cold and hard.

Wait, so these guys talk English? Ok, then. I thought that it was only Elijah, my brothers and I, who spoke the language fluently in this school. I guess not.

"N-no s-s-sir... I-I'm s-sorry. I-It is ju-ust that s-she alread-dy had t-two detent-tions i-in the p-ast d-dayyy." The principle stutters repeatedly, looking down at his feet.

"Two detentions you say. We will have to talk about that at home, won't we Amity. Maybe clear a few things up. I didn't think you were a trouble maker, but I guess that there is a first time for everything."

Marco pulls me down, still having a firm hold on my waist. He collapses gently on a chair, setting me on his lap, and holding me there, with his hands. My father squats down to my height, adjusting his fancy pant legs. Making intimidating eye contact with me, my father, allows his glare to scare me for a few seconds, before he speaks.

"You have had a day and a half at this school, and I have to hear from your principal about that, instead of the information coming from you. Is that why you were home late yesterday. Did the boy force you to do it. Didn't I prohibit you from seeing him. Maybe my warning wasn't harsh enough." My father starts throwing around ridiculous assumptions, while I sit there stunned, unsure about how to react to his statement.

"You must be Elijah Jones. I have heard a lot about you from my sons... and now my daughter. I would say it is a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie." My father continues.

Elijah sticks out his hand, and expects my father to take it, but is left disappointed, when it remains hanging in the air. He tries to take it back subtly, but I can feel the tension that is rising in the room.

"So, you must be the phantom princess. I have heard a lot about you from my son. It seems that when our conversation glides to your family, Elijah has millions things to say about your greatness. I don't see it. All I see is a scared little girl," An unknown voice, but as he begins talking, I can only guess that he is Elijah's father.

What did he mean by the 'phantom princess.' I don't have a speck of royal blood in my body, and I do not think that I look like a phantom. Marco pulls me closer to him, and covers my ears, stuffing my head into his chest.

Muffled shouts can be heard, and suddenly a loud commotion erupts from around the room, causing me to jump, even though my hearing is dulled. It is several minutes before Marco removes his hands from my face. I am startled and stressed by the scene in front of me.

No one moves.

"You should think more wisely next time, before insulting my daughter. If it ever happens again, I won't hesitate to send you to meet your wife. A nice family reunion might do you well. Your son would follow soon after you." I don't know why my father says it in a threatening way, I would love to see my mother again. I miss her so much.

All of the men are sporting more injuries, and the children all look like they have walked out from an active battlefield. I look up at Marco, expecting to see him horrified, but instead, a proud look adorns his face, a large smirk playing on his lips.

"If my sons ever see you near my daughter, you should be prepared for one of my men to pluck you from your bed at night. Am I clear, you prick?" My father spits near Elijah's ear, causing the poor boy to look like he is about to shit himself.

"Yes," Elijah whimpers, shivering aggressively.

"Yes what, boy?" My father jeers, teasing the young man.

"Yes, don." Elijah's dad stares at his son, a look of shock covering his face, as well as anger and surprise.

"Much better." My father says, sounding and looking superior. "Marco, give me my daughter, now."

My third youngest brother abruptly stands up, passing my small body to my father, as if I am nothing more than a sack of meat. I whine in protest, as my dad secures me in his arms.

"Shush, teroso, just wait until we get home. You will need to save your voice, to explain all of the shit you have done in the past day." Sweetheart.

My father's sentence shuts my up, as I realise that I have three more overprotective brothers to deal with, as well as several explanations. Oh, and I am sure that they will want to know why I was with Theo.

God, my family are so tough to cope with.

"One last thing before we go." My father says, facing the three boys and their fathers, who all look slightly terrified, and frankly, I don't blame them. "Why does my daughter seem disorientated, and have a bruise across her face... Almost as if someone hit her."

Elijah pales and quickly turns toward his father, who seems to be just as worried.

"Maybe I will have to ask in private. Get the answers out of you when my youngest child isn't here. You know, she doesn't like the things that my boys enjoy doing, do you teroso?" He asks rhetorically. Sweetheart.

I scrunch my nose in confusion, but shake my head anyway, knowing that it is what my father wants.

"Well, we must be going now. Ciao." My father and three brothers raise their hands in the air, and follow through with the same arm movements, causing a lot of scurrying from behind us.

I try to turn my head, but my father won't let me, instead, he whispers small comforting phrases in my ear, like 'relax, Ami, you are safe.' Or 'don't let their words get to you.'

We all get into a black Aldi, which waits out the front of the school. I ask about the car that my brothers and I drove to school this morning, but my father just dismisses the matter, and tells me that someone already picked it up.

The car is a seven seater, and I can only presume that my family has a personal chauffer. In the front is the driver, then the passenger seat is empty. The middle row has Marco on the left seat, and my dad on the right with me on his lap.

In the back row is Xavier and Xander who are talking gibberish to one and other, about hot girls or something.

"You should rest, Ami. You are going to be in for a long night." My dad whispers in my ear, gently, beginning to rock me on his lap.

As much as I would love to protest, the vibration of the car, and my father's approval sends me over the edge, and forces me into a light sleep, which I hope to never wake up from, knowing that the talk at home is going to be diabolical.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed it, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I upload tomorrow. I love you all so much, and I hope that you all read tomorrow. Byeeeeee <<<<3 

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