chapter twelve

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Okay, so I'm currently regretting my agreement with Stefano. I just found out that my older brother could have been chosen for an international soccer tea, but denied the offer since he was passionate about our family business. If you want to ask what family business my father runs, you'll have to ask him, yourself, because Stefano refused to tell me.

I'm currently losing to my older brother. I think that his team has thirty-seven goals, and I have one. I'm pretty sure that it was just Stefano trying to be nice. But either way, getting the one goal, made me do a small happy dance while sitting on the chair.

As he watched my dopamine hit, Stefano had a small smile on his face, his eyes smiling wider than his mouth. He eventually decided to end the game, using a mercy rule, because the results displayed who would win.

Me, obviously. No, just kidding... Stefano smashed me, and I say that with disgust since he now gets to pick the movie for us tonight. His hands were clenched around the sticks the entire game. He was such a try-hard. It would almost be funny, except for the fact that he beat me.

"I'm sorry that I'm so much better at soccer than you." A cocky smirk makes its way onto Stefano's face. I throw him a face that is full of loath. The thought of losing to my older brother just doesn't sit right with me.

You know, sibling rivalry and all.

"Ok, zucchero, I'll take you to the cinema room, and call the rest of the family down. You're definitely going to need someone to shield your eyes, for this movie." Of course, Stefano's going to pick a horror movie or something. I hate my life sometimes. Sugar.

"Hmm, how about I pick the movie, and you and the rest of the family watch it with me?" My offer is so reasonable, and I even called my blood relatives 'family'. My voice did crack at that word, though.

"Mmm, it is tempting. How about... no." Stefano's sentence is so blunt, to a point where it would need to be sharpened by a pencil sharpener.

"Fine," I throw my hands out in front of me, signaling that I want my older brother to pick me up.

He approaches me, bringing my small body close to his chest. I wrap my tender and weak legs around his toned torso and let Stefano hold me, as he begins to walk out of the games room. It seems that my older brother isn't even struggling to hold my body weight. We arrive at the cinema, which is not at all what I expected.

I didn't use to come in here. My mother and father always said that TV would ruin my eyesight. And my five-year-old brain argued the fact that if my brothers could go in that room, why couldn't I. Apparently, it was because 'I was younger than my brothers,' and 'television would fry my brain.' Turns out that piece of information was a bunch of lies and bullshit to help me learn how to entertain myself without using a form of technology.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes, Ami. I'll get the rest of our brothers as well as our father... Ohhh, and maybe some sweets. How do red rippers and popcorn sound?"

In response to his question, I just nod my head, liking the sound of junk food and extra comfort for this movie, which I can only guess will be scary. When Stefano leaves, I take a closer look at the room.

I situate myself on the middle seat, well more like bed, spreading myself out, and making snow angels on the sheets. I giggle softly to myself, before softly sitting my body up, making sure that I don't injure my back, or my feet, which have broken toes attached.

As promised, Stefano returns to the cinema room a couple of minutes later, having company. Several pairs of feet trod in after my third oldest brother, making themselves comfortable on the beds.

Alec comes to sit next to me. He throws off his shoes, and places them by the edge of the bed, on the floor, flopping his big and muscular body next to my smaller and more fragile one. I maneuver myself so that I'm cuddled near my second oldest brother.

He takes off his reading glasses and gently lays them on top of my head. It makes me giggle quietly to myself, but Alec hears it as well, causing him to ruffle my hair. I squeal out a loud 'stop' to prevent him from ruining my hair, and I eventually have to squat his hands away, my face filled with mock annoyance.

"Ok, people, so I have chosen what movie we are going to watch since I smashed Ami in a game using the soccer table," Stefano's eyes meet mine, and he snickers, probably remembering how much he beat me by. "Anyway, I have decided that tonight, we are going to watch 'Bourne: Supremacy.' I'm sure that the film is fine. If you don't want to watch it. Then the door is right behind you."

Stefano points his index finger dramatically towards the massive double doors that sit behind all of the seats.

"Zucchero," my third oldest brother addresses me, and for one second, I think that I have done something wrong, "here's your bowl of popcorn, with butter and salt. As well as a family pack of mixed sweets. I think it has red rippers, sherbets, lemon drops, ya, ya, ya. You get it." Sugar.

I give Stefano a grateful nod, catching the big packet of wrapped candies that he throws in my direction. He walks over and places the bowl of popcorn in between Alec's legs.

"And let the marvelous movie begin..." Stefano's voice turns dramatic, as the entire room turns black, the only light source coming from the the 150 inch screen in front of me.

The movie quickly turns violent. People shot other people. My brothers 'oh' and 'ah' as they watch the actions. My father's face remains stoic, while mine is clouded by confusion. I guess I would have to had watched the other movies first.

When the 'gory' scenes come onto the screen, Alec's hands would be in front of my face, covering me from the violent fictional acts. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I definitely was. After every jump scene, my head would be bundled up in Alec's chest out of fear.

He'd just chuckle and hold me close to him, as an act of support. I guess that I didn't notice myself falling asleep, but it definitely happened, because my entire world went black.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading. Please remember to vote, comment and read when I get another chapter out tomorrow. Also, thank you so much for over 2k reads. It means the world to me!! I hope to see you all tomorrow. Byeeee!!! I love you all <<<3

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