chapter twenty three

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To say the least, I did not enjoy being held captive in my father's office as he and Alex worked on their business stuff. But after Stefano examined my bruise, and deemed me as having a mild concussion, I was shipped back to my stubborn father.

Oh well. I am back at school today, and couldn't be happier, since my three brothers were suspended for the entire week, against my father's will. From what I know, the principal was fired, and the new one is a friendly associate of my family and their business.

I know that I have to make it up to Elijah this afternoon. I mean, I have been getting beat up by kids double my size for the majority of my life, but this is different. He didn't deserve it, the entire situation was my fault. Like always.

My first lesson was social studies. It flew by and was as painless as a prick on the finger, but I am not looking forward to my next lesson, however, at the same time, I am. Literacy is the class I have with Mr. Rubbish bin, and nothing about his presence excites me, but I also share this class with Elijah, which would make a great start to my apologies.

I am thinking of doing something nice with the $33 that I have left. He deserves it a lot more than me, especially since he is driving me to work this afternoon. I saunter into the literacy classroom, expecting myself to bash the door into Mr. Rubbish bin, well that is what I hope.

But when I throw the door open, I am given a pleasant surprise when I see the absence of the usually mean and grumpy teacher. And not only that, but a young male teacher takes his spot. The man smiles, and gives me a polite 'good morning' in Italian, before resuming his writing on the board.

We must not get distracted from our mission! I scold myself, scanning the back of the classroom, for a particular boy. A genuine smile rises on my lips, as I make eye contact with him. He ushers me over, using two of his fingers, and I feel the need to comply when I catch sight of the cuts and bruises that litter his face.

"I am so sorry about yesterday. I will make it up to you, I promise!" I rant, refusing to look Elijah in his eyes, feeling ashamed with myself, about the events that took place the day before.

"It is fine cutie. Nothing I haven't experienced before." The young man flashes me one of his charming smiles, which would no doubt cause many women to dote over. Me included.

"Are you sure. I mean, you looked pretty scared when my brothers beat the shit out of you- wait, no! That is not what I meant- I just- I- ahhh." I ramble, and stutter, trying to get my words together, but they are all jumbled.

Elijah just chuckles.

"Didn't I just say it was fine, Ami. I will take you to work, and then maybe you could buy me an ice cream, you know," he says, a smirk plastered on his face, as Elijah wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

I laugh lightly. "Deal."

The literacy lesson was so much better than I expected. The teacher was respectfully hot, he taught the class well, and I understood the topic. Elijah and I are still fine, and even going out after school, before or after my job. I am not really sure.

The rest of my lessons fly by. I try to avoid my bullies, who seem dedicated on hunting me down and playing some sick game. As long as they remain faceless and nameless to my family, it should be fine.

Then there is the whole problem at home. I still have to figure out what Mr. Fankrio meant when he said my family were dangerous. I am sure that I will be able to get knowledge out of Sandy. Maybe we will even be friends?

At the end of the school day, Elijah waits for me, leaning up against his shiny red car, ignoring all of the admiring looks, he is receiving from the girls of the school- some are even boys. When he notices me, Elijah drops his cigarette to the ground, stomping on it, before inviting me inside his fancy car.

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