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“What a moron!” you snarled when some idiot almost hit you with a motorcycle near the entrance to the university. Your day started off by oversleeping and being late, now you almost died.
You pulled out your phone when you received a notification from your friend Taehyung
‘If you’re late, better not come. The professor is in a bad mood ’
Great, today was clearly not your day. The day has just begun and there are already so many problems. You went up to the roof and lay in the middle, it was your little refuge from all the problems. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warm rays of the sun.
“Fuck!” you screamed, relieving your stress. I wonder who was on the motorcycle, I’ll have to ask Taehyung, he knows everything about everyone, you thought to yourself
“Aishhhh … so noisy …” an unfamiliar voice made you sit up abruptly, looking around. You have already started hallucinations, you thought when you saw no one.
“What the hell” did you get up while looking around
You heard a noise and turned to the door, around the corner from the door you saw a guy who was sitting on a chair in the shade, which is probably why you didn’t see him right away. “It’s you!” you yelled when he walked out into the sun, as if it was that guy from the motorcycle. “You are the idiot who nearly knocked me over!”
“And so you are the crazy girl who walks in the middle of the road” he turned in your direction
“Crazy? What a bastard ?! Do you want to apologize? ”
“Right after you!” he chuckled, turning to the door
“Of course, of course, whatever you say, here’s my apology!” you took off your sneaker and threw it with all your might at his head. He turned abruptly and caught your sneaker. He’s a fucking ninja?, you thought as you watched him.
“I’ll leave this as a souvenir.” He smiled sarcastically and left, leaving you in one sneaker.
“Great, at first this idiot almost knocked me over, and now he also left me without shoes! I will kill him as soon as I know who he is! ” you kept swearing as you walked down the stairs
“___________!” you heard Taehyung’s joyful voice approaching you through the crowd. “What’s the matter with you?” Taehyung stopped, examining you closely. “I see, better not to ask.” He smiled as you gave him a murderous look.
“Do you know who rides a motorcycle at our university?” you kicked the drinks machine angrily.
“On a motorcycle? I can ask if necessary. Is he the reason for your bad mood and the absence of one sneaker? “ Taehyung asked while looking at your legs.
“Don’t even ask, as soon as I think about him, immediately the desire to kill appears!” you said, kicking the machine again.
"Sorry, but are you going to walk in one sneaker?” he kept staring at your feet
“Taehyung!” you hit him on the shoulder
“Hey, am I to blame for this, why are you hitting me?”
“Stop staring at me. Of course I’m not going to walk like that.” You took off your sneaker and tossed it aside. “Damn, I just bought them! Find out how to find him,“ you told Taehyung before you left.
You went outside and looked at your bare feet, and why did you decide not to go to university by car? You thought to yourself, heading towards the taxi. It seems that today you will definitely not get to class, you took a taxi and went home.

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