POV Jungkook

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He sat and stared at a pair of sneakers. For a long time no one threw shoes at him, or rather this happened for the first time.
“So careless,” he laughed, remembering how you threw out the second sneaker and walked barefoot towards the exit. “They seem to be new, but she said goodbye to them so easily. I wonder who is your proprietress?”
He turned in his chair to the large window, watching the trees. Now every time he saw them, he thought of you. You walked slowly along the path looking up, watching the foliage blew in the wind. It seemed that the time did not matter to you, despite the fact that you were clearly late, you were absolutely in no hurry. For a second, he wanted to be in the same place where your thoughts were. He could not help himself, he would like you to notice him, and therefore he increased speed when he was passing by, perhaps more than it was worth. He smiled as he watched in the mirror as you waved your hands and obviously sprinkled curses at him. The first time he arrived at the university earlier than necessary, and it seems that he hit the jackpot. But he did not expect to see it on the roof, where he spent all his free time. He did not even know that, someone other than him knew that it was possible to came here. You didn’t even notice him, you just got to the middle and lay down. The second time this morning you surprised him, and immediately there was the third time when you screamed loudly. He then barely held back a laugh, whoever you were, he already wanted to be with you. You would hardly start talking to him if he just came up to meet you. So he need to make you want to know who he is! But he didn’t expect you to throw a sneaker at him. He laughed again, remembering how he accidentally caught him, the confusion on your face was priceless.
A few days later he walked into the library and smiled broadly when he accidentally saw you sleeping in the corner. You were sitting in sunglasses, leaning against the guy who was sleeping on the table. Your feet were balanced on the edge of the table, and your satin stilettos with red ribbon were scattered on the floor. He leaned against the bookcase, watching you. Every time he saw you, his heart was taken out of his chest, torn into small pieces and shoved back. Interestingly, you will get very angry if you lose your second pair of shoes because of him. He quickly dismissed the thought, but it didn’t want to back down. He looked at his watch, if you doesn’t wake up in 10 minutes, he will definitely take it away. He went to the other end of the library to get the book he needed. He looked at his watch, 15 minutes had passed. “I even gave you 5 minutes more,” he whispered under his breath, heading in your direction. “What a cutie,” his heart fluttered when he saw that you were still asleep. He walked over to the table and took your stilettos. He picked up your pencil from the table and wrote on a piece of paper with your notes
“I like this pair of heels better, as your apology for walking in the middle of the street! P.S. Do you always sleep so soundly in public places? ”
He smiled broadly and looked at you one last time, headed for the exit. He tucked your stilettos into his backpack and headed for his motorcycle. Today it’s safer for him to go to the studio than to stay at the university. Maybe soon he will let you find him, he thought, starting the engine.
He went into his studio and went to his office. “Hi, I brought you a company,” he said, taking your stilettos out of his backpack, and putting them on a shelf next to sneakers. It wonder what the third pair could be on this shelf, he thought, looking at the empty space next to the stilettos.

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