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You entered the room with musical instruments and he sat down at the piano. The thump of your heels echoed off the walls as you walked around the piano, looking around. You rested your elbows on the piano top on the opposite side of Jungkook, watching him. A sad melody filled the room, making you remember the emotions of that night, which you so diligently remained to erase with fun and alcohol. You couldn’t take your eyes off Jungkook. He was undoubtedly hot as hell, but now he was completely different, as if a completely different person was sitting in front of you, completely immersed in what he was performing. He looked up at you, and his eyes completely captured you with their magnetism. There was no emotion in his gaze, there was nothing but emptiness that consumed you. You didn’t even notice right away that the music wasn’t playing anymore. You just stared at each other in this deafening silence. You even seemed to stop breathing. You looked away when your phone rang, and you were more than ever glad about it. The longer you looked at him, tthe more the desire became to look only at him.
“Oh my lord, look at this, almost 6 a.m! Probably, I better go home” you tried to smile. You went to the door but stopped when he stood up, being next to you
“Yes, yes you are right …” He smiled at you “See you” his look changed, you didn’t even notice that somehow you approached each other.
“Yep, see you” you gathered all your strength to break away from him, going to the door
“Goodnight, ____!” his tone stopped you
“Goodnight, Jungkook,” you said, turning in his direction. Oh, it was definitely a mistake, the biggest mistake of all night. There was the same excitement on his face that raged inside you.
You took a step towards each other, drawing closer. The kiss was crazy, a reflection of your excitement. He took off your cardigan, letting it fall at your feet. His fingers dug into your body as you reached for his shirt, undoing the buttons. He turned, placing you on the piano, while your tongues twisted in passionate kisses. The cacophony of sound from the fact that you sat on the keys, made him step back. You covered your lips with your palm, staring at the floor, what the hell are you doing! You scolded yourself inside.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” he said over and over. You raised your hand forcing him to stop. The last thing you wanted right now is to hear his apology. You left the room, leaving his studio. You are more fortunate than ever, you got out just at the moment when a taxi was passing by.
Going home, you fell into bed. Damn … I wonder now were you angry because you kissed him at all or because he stopped?

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