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“I’m thirsty,” you muttered inaudibly. Your head was splitting from a hangover. Apparently coming to university after a party like this wasn’t the best idea. It’s good that there is always a quiet place to sleep in the library. You slapped Taehyung on the thigh “I’m thirsty “
"And what should I do now?” muttered a sleepy Taehyung
“Give me some water” you continued to slap his thigh
“Take it by yourself, it’s in the bag”
“You sleep on it, idiot!” you hissed
“How noisy you are,” he got up abruptly and you almost fell. Gave you a water, he again lay down on the table. After taking a few sips, you put the water on the table. Noisy, you’ve already heard that somewhere. You sat down and looked at the floor, looking for shoes. You took off your glasses, apparently you have not yet fully regained the ability to see clearly. Where are your shoes?
“Where are my shoes?” you pushed Taehyung in the side
“How do I must to know. Leave me alone, my head hurts, let me sleep!”
You hit him with force several times on the back “Whose fault is it ?! Let’s hang out, one cocktail won’t do anything … “ you grimaced his voice. “I kind of left the bar in my shoes, didn’t I?” you looked all around, but you never found the shoes. You couldn’t forget your shoes at the bar, could you? Just not your most beloved and depraved pair of stilettos! You looked at your feet, they were clean, so you came here in shoes. Then where are they?
“What is it?” you asked yourself rather, picking up your notebook. 'I like this pair of heels better, as your apology for walking in the middle of the street! P.S. Do you always sleep so soundly in public places?’ “That moron! ” you hit the table with force, from which your headache intensified. “I’m going to kill him!” Who did he think he was? He just took my shoes, again! “Did you find out who the guy on the bike is?”
“When would I have time? We hung out all evening and night yesterday.“
“That jerk took my shoes, again! You have time until tomorrow to tell me where to find this immortal moron! ” you said getting up from your seat.
"Where are you going?” he asked as he watched you pack your things.
“Home, or do you think I’ll walk barefoot around the university?”
Back home you took a shower and climbed into your bed. You tried to search for something else on the Internet, but fell asleep after a few minutes. A loud bell woke you up, you opened your eyes, but the room was already dark. How long did you sleep? You found the phone and answered Taehyung’s call
“What do you want?” you muttered
“Are you still sleeping? I wrote to you, but you do not react in any way" he said “I found this guy, there is his home address, and there is also a studio. They say he spends time in the studio more than at home. I wrote everything to you.”
“Thank you, Taehyung-ssi. You’re the best.“ You smiled before hanging up.
You have opened the messages "So Jeon Jungkook.” You chuckled. What? Is he two years younger? you rolled your eyes. And he’s more fearless than you thought. It wonder if he knows you’re older? I don’t think I will make it to university tomorrow, you thought to yourself, wrapping yourself in the blanket again. Today you fell asleep with a victorious smile.
You drove up to Jungkook studio, you parked your car, you went up to the second floor. “Golden closet” you read the name of his studio “How pretentious” You muttered under your breath. “Okay, suppose I’m a smug jerk, which door code I would choose. He would definitely flaunt the code … ” You looked around. But apart from black walls and a golden name, there was nothing here. What if … You entered the name of the studio and the door opened. “Seriously?!” you shook your head and went inside. You walked past a recording room that was lined with all kinds of musical instruments. It looks like he really loves music. You went into the office, it was quite spacious. You went to the shelf on which there were two pairs of your shoes. Apparently he took your second sneaker when you threw it out at the drinks machine. Did he follow you?
You went to the table and sat in his chair. There were a bunch of note sheets with notes and lyrics on the table. You saw the photo on the table, is it him?.. You didn’t really look at his face because of the bright sun and the fact that part of his face was hidden by glasses, and he is nice, you chuckled as you put the photo in place. Grabbing a vintage letter opener, you scrolled around to face the window. “Great view,” you muttered, putting your feet on the window frame. You leaned back in your chair, watching the trees. Maybe you should also make the same big window at home? You thought, smiling at the thought.
“So that’s who, that impudent person who parked, breaking the road to my garage. I should have guessed" you turned to Jungkook’s voice. Wow, he wasn’t just nice, he was handsome as hell. His face, his muscular body covered in leather … oh, you obviously underestimated him … “Hello” from his grin, heat went through your body.
“Jeon Jungkook, are you a pervert?” you pointed to the shelf with your shoes with a letter opener, which you were spining in your hands.
“Didn’t you give them to me as an apology?” he smiled and walked over to the table, sitting down on the edge next to you. “Although I admit, I didn’t think you’d find me so quickly. Thought another pair of your shoes would join in here" he smiled broadly “Although I don’t mind these long leather boots. People might think we are a couple who are dressed alike. Did you dress like that for me? ” he winked at you, and you forcefully stick the letter opener into the table next to his hand. Whatever reaction you expect, he doesn’t even move, looking at you with amusement in his eyes.
“Are you always so casual with your elders?” you gave him a cold look.
His smile became enigmatic. “Oh yes, how could you figure out the door code. Nobody has been able to guess it before. “
"It was easy. It was enough to put yourself in place … ”
“Such a genius like me?” his smile widened
“Such a smug jerk like you,” you chuckled as you stood up from your chair.
“How rough”
“Do you think so?”
“Just bear it!” you turned your back on him studying various letters and diplomas on the wall. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“What’s all this for? You obviously wanted to get my attention, congratulations you did it! ” you, crossing your arms, on your chest, turning in his direction
“I don’t just want to get your attention, I want to get you!”
You laughed loudly while clapping your hands “Wow, you are much more ambitious than I thought”
“No bigger than you” he got up and took a step towards you “I am sure we are a perfect match”
“Are you high?” you looked closely into his eyes
He laughed, stepping back. “You can deny it, _____________! But everything has already begun between us. The only question is when will you accept it.“
“Whatever you say,” you rolled your eyes and went to the table, taking the letter opener. “Anyway - I’m done. Perhaps I’ll keep it for myself,” you said, pointing to the letter opener in your hand. You walked past him to the exit
“Didn’t you come to get your shoes back?” he asked, after you past him
“I don’t think I’ll want wear this shoes again. You can keep it for yourself as a parting souvenir. “
"Then why did you come here?” you stopped for a moment, asking yourself the same question.
“See your face.” You turned in his direction. “I was wondering what the guy looks like, who made me come home barefoot. Twice.“ You turned to the door again
“By the way, I noticed you don’t go to university by car. I live near you, if you want I can give you a ride. Although there is a special charm in your lateness”
You turned in his direction, watching his smile with which he looked at you. I wonder how much he knows about you. Without saying anything, you left the office, leaving the Jungkook studio.

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